message man :. cliche fantasy plot gen

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The angsty vampire must rescue his best friend before it is too late.

At the same time..

The handsome adventurer needs to learn the secrets of his past before his past catches up with him.


The cold-hearted prince needs to slay the dragon in order to fulfill his destiny.

To further complicate things..

The lovestruck half-demon needs to make a difficult choice to redeem himself.

Far, far away..

The wrathful prince is trying to find the lost wizard before time runs out.

To further complicate things..

The cold-hearted half-demon needs to confront his inner demons or else lose everything.

To further complicate things..

The handsome vampire needs to rescue his best friend before time runs out.

And rumors abound that..

The exiled vampire needs to find out the truth about his past to prove himself worthy in the eyes of everyone.

To further complicate things..

The wrathful vampire is trying to learn the secrets of his past or else lose everything.

And rumors abound that..

The unlucky demon is trying to avenge his best friend's death before it is too late.

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