shades of blue :. martial art gen

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Weim-Tsu Lynx

A flashy style based on inner harmony and known for grappling.

Jar-Hu Panther

An aggressive style focused on controlled movements and known for low kicks and blocks.

Gold Tornado

A defensive style focused on predicting an opponent and featuring low kicks and blocks.

Hyu-Daig Hawk

A ceremonial style specializing in the flow of personal energy and featuring grappling.


A flashy style specializing in controlled movements and featuring grappling.

Wif Zyu Ha

A practical style based on spiritual well-being and featuring throws.

Raging Rabbit

An aggressive style based on clarity of perception and emphasizing grappling and punches.

Gold Panther

A practical style grounded in controlled movements and known for throws and high kicks.

Dair Nyu Char

A practical style specializing in spiritual well-being and emphasizing low kicks and weapons.

Southern Blaze

A defensive style centered around predicting an opponent and emphasizing blocks.

Violet Falcon

A highly technical style grounded in inner harmony and emphasizing weapons and low kicks.

Hoh Tsuad Gun

A flashy style based on speed and agility and emphasizing punches.

Crimson Hornet

A flashy style grounded in speed and agility and known for grappling.

Hao-Nua Phoenix

A ceremonial style specializing in controlled movements and known for holds.

Desert Devil

An aggressive style centered around clarity of perception and featuring weapons and low kicks.

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