genesis :. faction gen one

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Name: The Iron Eye

Type: seers

Motivation: glory Influence: average

Reputation: unknown/secret

Age: well-established Leadership: group

Size: small

Stability: mostly stable

Enemies: multitudes

Allies: none Enemies Include: more than a few rangers, a large number of bards, a few paladins, more than a few artisans, some nobles, some spies

Resources: almost unlimited

Resources Include: a decent amount of treasure, some blackmail material, a very large amount of artifacts, a rather small amount of trade goods, more than enough shinies, a rather small amount of old favors, a decent amount of debtors, Other: associated with a specific district, recently associated with allegations of bribery, very secretive, involved with a certain bloodline, racist vs a specific race

Current Leadership

Qualifications: chosen by current leaders

Bribes: will be greeted with laughter

Cooperation: good

Group Size: twelve leaders

Meetings: closed and secret

Meetings Occur: completely at random Lair

Quality: shabby

Location: city center

Interior: larger than appears from outside

Guards: a bit lonely

Dungeon: widely advertised

Traps: mostly around the entrance Joining

Requirement: very highly skilled

Initiation: requires a display of loyalty


Identifiable By: specific weapon

Common Trait: very attractive

Initial Contact

Relation: member's relative

Class: artisan

Found: far from the lair

Mood: lazy

Gender: male

Distinguishing Trait: very poor posture

Knowledge of Group: thorough

Reliability: decent

Competence: average

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