mad world :. potions gen

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Sea green with gold flecks and glowing, contained in a metal flask. The potion smells somewhat like cheese and tastes like death. Side-affects may include sneezing.

Opalescent white with dark swirls and smoking slightly, contained in a bronze flask. The potion smells spicy and tastes metallic. Side-affects may include tingling in extremities.

Solid black with gold swirls and fizzing slightly, contained in a bloodstained flask. The potion smells excellent and tastes like river water. Side-affects may include tingling in extremities.

Very pale brown with yellow swirls and an oily texture, contained in a carved wooden flask. The potion smells odd and tastes sweet. Side-affects may include pain and nausea.

Beige with spots of another color and fizzing intensely, contained in a crystal vial. The potion smells bad and tastes like freshly cut grass. Side-affects may include blurred vision and dizziness.

Amethyst with pale pink swirls and bubbling, contained in a dirty vial. The potion smells like garlic and tastes good. Side-affects may include feelings of apprehension.

Dark brown with gold flecks and boiling, contained in an oddly-stained vial. The potion smells like medicine and tastes like urine. Side-affects may include insomnia and mild paranoia.

Sky blue with white swirls and phosphorescing, contained in a flask with strange decorations. The potion smells scary and tastes like urine. Side-affects may include impaired decision-making ability.

Amethyst with yellow-orange swirls and foaming slightly, contained in a bronze flask. The potion smells like pine sap and tastes like chicken soup. Side-affects may include hunger and thirst.

Light red with blue flecks and a slimy texture, contained in a steel flask. The potion smells very good and tastes like snow. Side-affects may include slight levitation.

Mint green with silvery swirls and smoking slightly, contained in a bloodstained flask. The potion smells somewhat like fine wine and tastes like strawberries. Side-affects may include mild euphoria.

Sky blue and fizzing, contained in a pewter flask. The potion smells great and tastes spicy. Side-affects may include a temporary loss of the sense of smell.

Pink with and a smooth texture, contained in a plain vial. The potion smells nightmareish and tastes somewhat like coffee. Side-affects may include a strong aftertaste.

Medium blue with gold sparkles and foaming slightly, contained in a pewter flask. The potion smells like peaches and tastes like cider. Side-affects may include a temporary loss of the sense of taste.

Sky blue with bronze sparkles and a smooth texture, contained in a plain flask. The potion smells like pain and tastes hellish. Side-affects may include muscle weakness.

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