as a bell :. fancy drink gen

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Pale gold with small pieces of candy and a sprig of mint in the mug. The drink smells like blood and tastes like perfume. It temporarily increases the drinker's confidence.

Magenta with a syrupy texture and served in a crystal glass. The drink smells somewhat like raw meat and tastes great. It sometimes causes the drinker to become violent.

Light brown with bronze sparkles and served in a wine glass. The drink smells somewhat like baking bread and tastes like urine. It is often used by the locals as a remedy for minor ailments.

Deep blue with dark swirls and served in a plain glass. The drink smells like cinnamon and tastes like oranges. It is never drunk by the locals.

Blue-green with an oily texture and lots of ice. The drink smells like blackberries and tastes strange. It makes the drinker more prone to angry outbursts.

Medium brown with lots of foam and an orange slice on the edge of the glass. The drink smells odd and tastes alcoholic. It isn't on the menu, but the bartender is happy to talk about it.

Dark brown with multicolored bubbles and served in a carved wooden mug. The drink smells horrible and tastes like fish. It will burn through any material it is spilled on, but is safe to drink.

Beige with red swirls and a pear slice on the edge of the glass. The drink smells like cow dung and tastes like vinegar. It relaxes the drinker.

Pale yellow with metallic swirls and cinnamon on the rim of the glass. The drink smells like fruit and tastes like urine. It is a great thirst-quencher.

Emerald with lots of bubbles and served in a tall tumbler. The drink smells like cave rock and tastes horrible. It causes insomnia.

Medium blue with red flecks and a lemon slice on the edge of the glass. The drink smells like freshly cut grass and tastes like medicine. It is only served before sundown.

Dark brown with brown swirls and served in a mug with runes carved on the side. The drink smells somewhat like campfire smoke and tastes somewhat like baking bread. It causes blackouts.

Pale blue with white swirls and served in a wine glass. The drink smells like dragon breath and tastes like death.

Emerald with metallic swirls and served in a wine glass. The drink smells like freshly cut grass and tastes decent. If a person can drink a full tankard in under a minute, the bartender won't charge them for it.

Blue-green with bubbles and served in a carved wooden mug. The drink smells like vinegar and tastes somewhat like whiskey. It causes the drinker to temporarily lose their sense of taste.

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