munich :. simple character gen

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He has a very short, lanky build, wide pale grey eyes and tanned skin. He hates the adoration of the masses, autumn, and tortured pasts. One of his hobbies is painting. He likes large cities, summer, and flattery. He is fast and not very friendly.

She has straight blonde hair, plain features and dark skin. She loves gambling, lost causes, and mysteries.

He has a very short, lanky build, golden-brown skin and very attractive features. He dislikes runaways and orphans, get rich quick schemes, and any sort of aristocracy.

He has long dark blond hair. He dislikes fancy parties and sappy romantic things.

She has straight white hair, almond-shaped forest green eyes, tanned skin and a pierced lip. She is annoyed by shiny stuff and mysticism. Her favourite sin is lust. She is smart and very charismatic.

She has white hair, narrow grey eyes and golden skin. She hates expensive but uneccessary things and strict regulations. She is a sucker for spring and excessive alcohol. Her favourite sin is vanity.

She has sharp blue eyes. One of her hobbies is knitting. Her favourite sin is sloth. She is funny and not very graceful.

He has frizzy dyed hair, several piercings and brown eyes. He is tough and very agile. His favourite sin is avarice. He hates challenges and obscure trivia.

He has narrow brown eyes, a squat build, long frizzy golden hair and pale skin. His favourite sin is lust.

He has tanned skin. He dislikes foolish bravery, the status quo, and total innocence. He likes creepy crawly things and complete honesty. One of his hobbies is knitting. His favourite sin is lust.

He has violet eyes, brown skin and a small tattoo. His favourite sin is gluttony. One of his hobbies is ghost-hunting. He is a sucker for foriegn customs/accents and gratuitous violence. He hates winter, stoicism, and irony.

She has yellow eyes and bronzed skin. One of her hobbies is traveling. She is shy and not very trusting. She hates members of the same sex, friendly strangers, and wild animals of any sort.

She has cute features, sallow skin and a willowy build. Her favourite sin is vanity. One of her hobbies is studying philosophy. She is annoyed by elaborate schemes and dudes/damsels in distress. She is stubborn and very brave.

She has closed features. She is trusting and very confident. Her favourite sin is envy. One of her hobbies is teaching. She is a sucker for the 'bad boy/girl' look, romanticized outlaws, and cute and fuzzy things.

She has a short, squat build and gorgeous features. She is annoyed by strict codes of honor, rainy days, and members of the opposite sex. One of her hobbies is experimenting with pyrotechnics. Her favourite sin is gluttony. 

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