tag, you're it :. poison gen

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This poison causes slurred speech. It is very difficult to mix with other substances. Normally, it is copper and smells like cinnamon.

This poison causes bloodlust. It is very simple to mix with other substances. On its own, it is medium blue and tastes like the sea.

This poison causes fatigue. It is moderately difficult to mix with other substances. Unmixed, it is semi-transparent blue and smells good.

This poison causes swollen extremities. It is fairly simple to mix with other substances. Normally, it is deep purple and tastes like vinegar.

This poison causes difficulty concentrating. It is difficult to mix with other substances. Unmixed, it is very pale brown and tastes like chocolate.

This poison causes slowed reaction times. It is somewhat easy to mix with other substances. Unmixed, it is amethyst and tastes hellish.

This poison causes increased vulnerability to other poisons. It is difficult to mix with other substances. On its own, it is pink and smells like pinecones.

This poison causes swollen extremities. It is moderately difficult to mix with other substances. Normally, it is light red and smells like ooze.

This poison causes difficulty concentrating. It is moderately easy to mix with other substances. Unmixed, it is lime green and tastes like pepper.

This poison causes loss of senses. It is very simple to mix with other substances. On its own, it is deep blue and smells like caramel.

This poison causes partial blindness. It is very difficult to mix with other substances. Normally, it is silvery and tastes like blackberries. It is fairly cheap to make.

This poison causes paranoia. It is not difficult to mix with other substances. Normally, it is medium blue and smells like pears. Most apothecaries know how to make it.

This poison causes disorientation. It is very difficult to mix with other substances. On its own, it is pale gold and tastes somewhat like rum.

This poison causes difficulty breathing. It is somewhat easy to mix with other substances. On its own, it is magenta and smells like pain. It is rarely used.

This poison causes painful rashes. It is very simple to mix with other substances. Normally, it is violet and tastes like cinnamon. 

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