not today :. monster gen

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This horse-sized frog-like beast lives in mountains. It stalks its prey, which includes magical beasts, large creatures, and other predators. It attacks with rapid blows, necrotic energy and draining magic. They live in mobs of 2-16. It is believed that they keep hordes of treasure.

This bear-sized frog-like beast lairs in underground caverns. It stalks its prey, which includes medium-sized creatures, monstrous humanoids, small creatures, and humans. It attacks with a tail striker, a petrifying gaze and obscuring fog. They live in packs of 4-19.

This horse-sized slimy monster dwells in temperate climates. It attacks with slashing claws and piercing shrieks. It will flee from heat.

This human-sized feathered creature lives in deep canyons. It stalks its prey, which includes other predators, medium-sized creatures, small creatures, and large creatures. It attacks with crushing blows, psionics and sound. It is weak against holy icons. They travel in families of 4-15.

This dog-sized, ursine, feathered creature can be found in deep lakes. It attacks with rapid blows, grasping tentacles and sound. It fears ice.

This massive phantasmal beast lairs in mountains. It lies in wait for its prey, which includes humans and small creatures. It attacks with spines, electricity and entangling webs.

This bear-sized canine creature makes its home in bogs. It stalks its prey, which includes other monsters of the same type and large creatures. It attacks with crushing blows and creeping darkness. They live alone.

This bulky mongrel monster can be found in island jungles. It attacks with fangs, a hypnotic song and fire. It will flee from enchanted weapons. Rumor holds that they were created by an experiment gone wrong.

This bear-sized undead beast makes its home in the shadows of cities. It attacks with fangs, piercing shrieks, venom and obscuring fog. According to folktales, their eggs are powerful alchemical ingredients.

This dog-sized infernal beast can be found in volcanos. It lies in wait for its prey, which includes large creatures, mundane beasts, other monsters of the same type, and medium-sized creatures. It attacks with rapid blows, debilitating effects and electricity. They lair in flocks of 5-25.

This tiny, insect-like, bird-like monster can be found in caves. It attacks with spines, scorching gas, cold and piercing shrieks. It is weak against holy icons.

This bear-sized feline beast can be found in mountains. It lies in wait for its prey, which includes medium-sized creatures, other predators, small creatures, and humans. It attacks with fangs, choking smoke, illusions and draining magic. It fears bright light. They hunt in prides of 2-16.

This human-sized insect-like monster can be found in volcanos. It tracks its prey, which includes small creatures, humans, other monsters of the same type, and large creatures. It attacks with crushing blows, entangling webs and electricity. They travel in mobs of 3-12.

This massive, furred, feline creature lairs in bogs. It leaps upon its prey, which includes mundane beasts, other monsters of the same type, and monstrous humanoids. It attacks with a tail striker, elemental magic and blinding light. It is difficult to harm without silver. They travel in flocks of 5-25.

This bear-sized, bat-like, scaled monster dwells in bogs. It ensares its prey, which includes other monsters of the same type, humans, and magical beasts. It attacks with rapid blows, electricity and draining magic. It is rumored that they do most of their hunting at twilight.  

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