howling :. religion gen one

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Type: monotheism (moderately matriarchal)

Direction: outwards

Focus: ancestor worship

Deity: The Goddess of the Hearth and Music

Titles: The Home-Keeper, She Who Sees, The Redeemer, The Praised One, Patron of Instruments

Plays Dice? no

Divine Interaction: only with great heroes

Involves: a dietary code

Afterlife: has interesting geography and can be reached by the living, with effort

Supernatural: considered folk superstition

Worship: joyous individual public sacrifices

Holidays: very few

Holidays Celebrate: past miracles, past battles, prophets

Major Holiday(s): involve pilgramage(s) to important site(s)

Clergy: females only

Function: arbiters of holiness, teachers, leaders in ritual

Lifestyle: monastic

Family: none (celibacy required)

Chosen: via divine revelation

Distinguished By: special powers Cultural Aspects

Symbol: is a(n) 15-pointed star

Holy Colour: black

Passed Down: via many holy books and some oral tradition

Creation Myth Type: order from void/chaos

Mortals' Origin: light

Major Myth/Symbol(s): the river, the rainbow, the ascension

Deadly Sins: self-injury, apathy, dishonesty and wrath

High Virtues: piety and tolerance

Associated Artform: poetry/psalms

Coming of Age: 11 years old

Coming of Age Rite: is not celebrated

Marriage: sometimes ends in divorce

Marriage Rites: include ritual tattooing

Death Rites: involve extensive eulogies

Major Taboo: hygiene

Prevalence: believed by some

Outsiders: are ignored

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