holocene :. sci-fi traps gen

2 1 0

Trigger: exiting a room Effect: EMP Radius: relatively small (those very close to trigger)

Detection: difficult Special: triggering the trap likely to alert other hostile presences nearby (if applicable)

Trigger: turning off a machine Effect: plasma(blast) from the floor Radius: very large (entire vicinity)

Detection: easy

Trigger: turning off a machine Effect: bullets from the wall(s)/door Radius: relatively small (those very close to trigger)

Detection: very easy

Trigger: using an incorrect password Effect: plasma(blast) from the floor Radius: medium (those near trigger)

Detection: somewhat difficult Special: the trap has lingering effects of some sort (poison, disorientation, etc) (if applicable)

Trigger: using weapons nearby Effect: summons a swarm of offensive nano-bots Radius: medium (those near trigger)

Detection: very difficult Special: effect centered on random target, not necessarily trigger (if applicable)

Trigger: using weapons nearby Effect: poisoned darts from the wall(s)/door Radius: relatively small (those very close to trigger)

Detection: incredibly difficult Special: a distraction also triggers which may keep the trap from being noticed right away (if applicable)

Trigger: pressing a button Effect: monster(s) summoned Amount: as many as party members

Detection: somewhat difficult

Trigger: trying to hack a system Effect: acid from the wall(s)/door Radius: very large (entire vicinity)

Detection: easy

Trigger: walking past something Effect: room begins to lose pressure Speed: very quick, and exits (b)locked

Detection: very difficult 

chaotic shiny :. resource & generator threadWhere stories live. Discover now