serpentine fire :. tarot cards gen

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The Closed Eye of Courage

The card depicts a squat, vicious youth and a famous lad with a small scar and black hair. It is associated with a specific bloodline, love, and pessimism. Inverted, it represents nobility, healing, truth, wealth, and opportunity. The card is torn on one corner. The back is burnt orange with a hand making a sign within a triangle. It has a midnight black border.

The Joyful Scout

The card depicts a tall, willowy girl with dirty blond hair and a disreputable old man involved in an escape during fall. It is associated with an announcement, a legal problem, and transformation. Inverted, it represents grounding, a romance, a heroic deed, and water. The card is stained and torn. The back is dark bronze with crossed blades and sandals. It has a beautiful border.

The Wolf of Dissent

The card depicts a capricious old man involved in a disagreement while the sun rises. It has a border of stones. It is associated with doubt, a takeover, a contest, and a conversation. Inverted, it represents a malfunction, virtue, a message, a disappointment, strength, and masculinity. The card is somewhat scratched. The back is grey-green on black with the setting sun and a breastplate made of harsh angles.

The Seven of Unity

The card depicts a tall, ill-reputed man with amber-colored eyes. It is bordered by runes. It is associated with a financial difficulty, an act of cruelty, fear, masculinity, and a faux pas. Inverted, it represents empathy, lust, a competition, an agreement, and a surrender. The card has a few odd stains. The back is pale brown with an open hand and an eclipsed sun.

The Hydra of Compasses

The card depicts a very short, shy youth involved in a contest. It has a border of flames. It is associated with jealousy, a thwarted plan, a victory, a search, and a challenge. Inverted, it represents harmony, and a promise. The card smells strongly of incense. The back is pale blue with a feather and a mountain range.

The Beloved Emperor

The card depicts a tall, gloomy boy and horns before dawn. It is associated with a relationship ending, a case of mistaken identity, and a defeat. Inverted, it represents a reconciliation, and confidence. The card smells strongly of smoke. The back is light green on light grey with a ring and the stars involving repeating design.

The Kind Ghoul

The card depicts a stocky, restless boy with grey hair and a hammer involved in an introduction. It is associated with calm, rejuvenation, a disagreement, and prophecy. Inverted, it represents a birth, a bet, a fight, and water. The card is winestained. The back is black with birds and a unicorn.

The Four of Quills

The card depicts a cowardly old woman and an ear. It has a plain border. It is associated with fortitude, water, hatred, imagination, and wisdom. Inverted, it represents grief, violence, chaos, and courage. The card smells strongly of blood. The back is dark gold with a gorgon's head and a closed book overlaid on a spiral.

The One of Jars

The card depicts a very tall, stoic man and a hand making a sign involved in an act of cruelty. It is associated with stability, dexterity, a meeting, and success. Inverted, it represents air, compassion, a natural disaster, and a surrender. The card smells faintly of incense. The back is dark gold with lightning bolts and a hawk.

The Irritable One

The card depicts a crazy girl with chocolate brown eyes and a crossbow. It is associated with psychic healing, a dire deed, a deception, and sleep. Inverted, it represents success, and earth. The card is faded with age. The back is tan with an arrowhead and dice. It is bordered by runes.

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