Pinkie Swear

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The bottle starts to slow and stops on me. I can hear Iris giggle but I am paralyzed with fear, staring down at the bottle.

Harry places his hand on my cheek and turns me towards him. With one swift movement Harry's lips are pressed against mine. I haven't kissed a boy in a while so the thrill is still there but I don't feel a spark. I allow his tongue entrance even though I just want to be done with the kiss. Finally, Harry releases his lips from mine.

"It is just a kiss." Liv rolls her eyes. "Not a make out session."

"Your turn Charlie." Harry hands me the bottle with a grin plastered on his face.

"I think someone else should go." I say waving the bottle away.

"Just give me the damn bottle." Niall snacthes the bottle from Harry's hand and spins it with great force. It takes a little longer to slow but once it does my heart skips a beat every time it hits me. It finally stops landing on me, again.

"Well that's not fair!" Liv wines "She already had a make out session!"

Niall's eyes are glued to me but he doesn't make a move. "I don't like this game." He says standing up. "I quit."

"Oh come on Niall!" Iris complains "Don't be such a downer."

"I just said I didn't want to play." He storms off up stairs and Liv follows close beind.

"My turn!" Zayn says grabing the bottle.

"I think I am going to go outside and get some air." I inform Iris. She pouts as I walk away. I make my way outside to my car in front of the house and watch as drunk girls are being carried home by their not as drunk boyfriends. Reason one why I don't drink.

"You okay?" Harry's thick voice appears behind me and I jump a little.

"Shit. You scared me."

"Sorry love. Everything okay?" He repeats looking down at me.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just really crowded in there." But the truth is, I wanted to get as far away from Niall as possible. Something about him makes me so angry

"Just ignore Niall." He says, as if he read my mind "I try my best too." He shrugs.

"Is he really that bad?" I question, messing with my keys.

"I mean when he gets mad, he just gets mad." He turns to me. "Were you heading home?"

"Actually I think so. I have to work tomorrow."

A frown appears on Harry's perfect face. I can tell that he is flirting with me but I don't feel the same way. I feel guilty. "Well it was lovely to meet you. And kiss you." He smirks. He kisses me on the cheek before walking back inside to the party.

I get into my old red beetle and start it up. Luckily it actually starts. My apartment is only a few mintues off campus so I could be close to Iris. I grab all my things from the car and make my way up to my apartment. I am greeted by my large great dane, Thor.

"Hey buddy!" I squat down so I am eye level with him and he gives me a big wet kiss.

"I thought you would be at the party all night." Liam appears from the living room in his pajamas. We share the apartment because he didn't want to live with a stranger in the dorms.

"I bailed. It was getting late and I have to work tomorrow morning." I shrug throwing my cardigan on the chair.

"So Iris's friends were there?" I take a seat next to him on the couch.

"How did you know?" I question grabing a handful of popcorn from the bowl Liam must of made earlier.

"I have seen her around campus with Louis and that whole group. They seem..." Liam searching his mind for the right word.

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