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"I will let you guys out." I slowly slip out from under Charlie who is fast asleep after the movie. I lead Iris and Louis over to the door. "It was really great to see you guys again." I nod as we reach the door.

"Tell Charlie to call me tomorrow." Iris tells me as I open the door for them. "I have an appointment so I just want to let her know how well it goes."

"Yeah." I say, rubbing the back of my neck.

Iris pulls me in for a hug and I am caught off gaurd.

"See you around Niall." She nods and Louis shakes my hand before leaving our apartment.

I shut the door behind them and make my way back over to where Charlie sleeps. I look down at her curled into a ball, clutching the blanket in her hand. She is asleep but not all the way.

"So I am guessing you expect me to carry you."

She nods, smiling a little. I sigh, picking Charlie up wedding style, carrying her back to the bedroom. I gently lay her down on the bed.

"Did Iris and Louis leave." She opens her eyes slightly to look at me.

"Yeah." I remove my shirt and sweats so I am only in my boxers. I get into bed next to Charlie and she scoots close into my chest. "Iris hugged me."

"She what?" Charlie asks, shocked.

"She phsyically put her arms around my body." I wrap my own arms around Charlies waist. "I can't believe this shit either. I am still in shock." I chuckle.

"Maybe she is starting to like you." Charlie smiles up at me.

I can see the tiredness in her eyes as she yawns.

"I love you Charlie." I say, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too Niall." She says before quickly drifting off.


"Niall!" Charlie's screams wake me. I shoot up in the bed, looking around the room to find her on the floor, holding her knees, sobbing.

"Charlie!" I run over to her, dropping to the floor next to her. "Calm down love. What happened?" I say calmly, stroking her hair.

"She is gone." She manages to get a few words.

"Who?" I sit down on the floor, pulling her between my legs, holding her tight. "Who is gone Charlie?"

"The baby."

It takes me a minute to process.


"How did this happen?" I am trying my best to process the thought.

"She called me this morning." She squeezes my hand. "She miscarriaged." The last words barely come out of her mouth. She breaks into another sob.

"Shhh." I continue stroking her hair, trying to calm her. "I don't know what to say." And it's true. I am in just as much of a funk as Charlie is. My body shakes slightly and the thought of what Louis and Iris are going through right now. We just saw them last night, they we so happy, telling us all the names they had come up with. Now all of that is gone.

"Take me too her." She starts to get up and I get up with her, holding her tight.

"Do you really think you should go when you are like this?"

She stands a little straighter, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Take me to her Niall."

"Charlie I really don't think you should see her right now." I am worried about her. "Maybe give it some time."

"Niall I can do this." She has stopped sobbing now. "I can be strong for Iris." The determination in her face convinces me.

"Fine okay." I throw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a black Ramones shirt.

I grab my keys, following Charlie out of our flat and down to my car. The car ride there is silent but I keep my hand on her knee. I am trying my best to wrap my head around this situation. I am the one that should be strong, I am the one that should have my emotions controlled but I can't manage myself.

I pull into the drive way and Charlie gets out right away. I quickly get out, jogging to catch up to her but she is already half way through the door.

"Iris." Charlie gasp.

I am horrified at the site in front of me. Iris sits on the couch, holding her knees to her chest knocking back and forth sobbing. Louis tries his best to hold her, trying to calm her but the damage has been done, and this is a heart that can't be easily fixed.

I don't understand why this is hitting me so hard. I haven't said a word since we walked in the door, I haven't even moved. I can't move. Charlie is already over at the couch taking Louis's place, holding Iris, trying to get her to say something, anything.

Louis has disappeared to I don't know where.

A hand grabs my shoulder and I jolt out of my funk to find Harry standing behind me, a look of sadness on his face. At this moment I don't want to punch Harry square in the face. I remember back to when he helped me, when he was there for me.

I want him to be there for Iris like he was for me.

"You okay man?" He lets out.

But he is asking the wrong person.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now