A Magical Morning

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"Are we seriously being tourists today?" Niall and I make our way out of the hotel. I link my arm with is his, resting my head on his shoulder as we continue walking.

"Of course not!" I smile up at him. "See I know my way around the city, so techically you are the tourist and I am your tour guide!" I beam.

"That could be an interesting role play situation." He says with a grin.

"Oh stop!" I playfully hit his arm and he laughs. I am hoping this Niall will be able to last more than one day. I love this Niall, one that will pay more attention to me rather than being the jealous boyfriend I know too well.

"Alright then where to first, my lady?" He questions, eyebrows raised.

"I was thinking we would start off with Time Square and work our way from there?"

"If you insist. This is your trip Charlie." I hail down a cab as he continues to talk. "I am here for you and I want it to go perfectly."

We both get in the cab and I tell the cabbie Time Square and he pulls away from the curb. "Well we have kind of sucked at that the past few days."

"Exactly." He says with a blank look on his face. "That's why I am going to do my best to make the rest of the trip the best I can for you. I am tired of fighting." He finally looks over at me and I smile at him.

"I am too." I take his hand and he squeezes mine. "That means you can't get jealous at every guy that decides to look at me."

I see his jaw clench but he nods, "Right. I will try."

The cab comes to a sudden halt and Niall hands the cabbie some cash. "Keep the change." He waves to him.

I grab Niall's hand in glee, looking at the surroundings around us. People come at us from each way, rushing into the dozens of stores that line the outside of the street. Living in the city was always exciting, you never knew what you were going to see when you walked out your door in the morning. Different street acts catch your attention as you walk by. The city was the excitment that I needed in my life. I miss it.

I look up at Niall but he is already looking down at me, "These people looked fucking pissed." I look up at the people that push their way past us. Giving us the evil eye as they try to make their way around us.

"Come on." I grab Niall's hand and pull him over into the store that I love but I know he will hate the most. Might as well get the worst done first.


"Welcome to Disney!" A overly happy women stands inside the store with stupid mouse ears on her head, greeting costumers.

I cringe as Charlie pulls me further into the store. "Why are we in here?" I look around the immense amount of color that covers the store. It's ungodly. "This is a kid store."

"Oh come on!" Charlie smiles which causes me to ease up a bit. "One is never to old for disney!" She makes a puppy dog face, holding up a large Minnie Mouse.

"Please don't tell me you want that?" I say scrunching my nose. "I could get you so much better."

"Yeah I guess you are right." She nods, setting it back down on the self. I can see the hurt in her eyes and I sigh.

"You have to get someone more badass like" I search the tower of stuffed animals for the lion. "Like this little fucker." I grab the lion off the self and hand it to Charlie. "He did some cool shit right?" A mom with a stroller glares at me as she passes by.

"It's Simba and yeah he is pretty great." She grins down at the toy.

"Good because I like him better." I take Charlie's hand and pull her over to the cash register.

She looks like what I picture being as a child, happy about everything. She looks so small compared to me, and so out of place too. Her curls and colorful outfit look odd compared to my own all black attire and black ink covering my arms. But she completes me, she is my happy medium, she is the flower in my own dark graveyard.

"Sir?" The cashier interrupts my thoughts and Charlie nudges me up to the counter. "Did you have any trouble finding anything?" He says smiling at Charlie.

"Not at all." Her big green blue eyes meet mine.

I swipe my card and he hands me the bag.

"Have a magical day!."

"Thanks." I nod, planting a fake smile on my face.

I take Charlie's hand and pull her out of the store before the women at the front tells me to have a magical day or whatever shit they say.

"Since I know you hated every moment of that I will let you pick the next store." She pulls me over to a small space in front of the store where people aren't walking.

"Actually this place is kind of shit." I state, looking around and my eyes land on Charlie's. They are big and she has a look of saddness in them. "Oh god it's not that I am not enjoying my time with you because I really fucking am." I say, taking her small face in my hands. "But there are just so many people and I realize that we are in the city and there really isn't such thing as quiet but I would love to try." I explain.

"I have an idea." She smiles, biting her lip, sending me reeling. Before she has a chance to move I press my lips to her for a brief moment. I touch my forehead to hers.

"And I will love whatever that idea is."

"I love you." She says, wrapping her arms around my torso, her cheek resting against my chest.

"And I love you."

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now