Never Be

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"It's gone." Charlie pouts her lips, tipping the bottle of champagne into her glass but only a sip comes out.

"I think you have had enough anyway." I laugh a little, taking the bottle away from her, putting it back in the ice.

"Hey!" She says playfully hitting my arm. "We equally shared in the fun." She smirks.

I can tell she has had a little to much by the way she giggles at everything I do.

"When are you going to marry me Charlie?" I know I shouldn't be taking advantage of her while she is in this state but maybe she is one of those people who is honest when they are drunk.

"When are you going to stop asking me to marry you?" She giggles.

"When you marry me." I respond quickly.

"Aren't you funny." She giggles, god that giggle is going to send me reeling. "Maybe you will get some tonight."

"Charlie." I move my chair around the table to I am sitting next to her, taking her hands in mine. "I love you with everything I have and I want to be with you for the rest of my life." She stares at me with her big blue green eyes. "Charlie, I need you to tell me that you feel the same way."

"You need me to tell you?" She questions, getting a little more serious. "Because in order for me to tell you that I would actually have to feel that way."

I am taken back by her response, "Y-you don't feel the same way?"

"No I do Niall." She shakes her head. "I want to be with you for the rest of my life but I don't want to decide that much right now. Look Niall." She scoots closer to me. "There is nothing I could ask for more than living my life forever with you but here and now is what we should be worry about. And I honestly don't know what will happen to us for sure, we don't know where we will be in a few month, heck maybe even a few weeks! I know that we both want to be together but that doesn't mean that's what's going to actually happen."

"I really hate it when you are right." I groan, running my fingers through my hair. "Like I really fucking hate it, it pisses me off." I narrow my eyes at her.

"Then you hate me a lot then don't you." She smirks.

"No I love you." I take her face in my hands. "Even when you are drunk off your ass." I grin.

"Hey!" She whines.

I stop her from continuing when I press my lips against her soft, plump, ones. She deepens the kiss, leaning into me. I move my hand down to the back of her neck, leaning back into her as she tilts her head back.

She releases her lips from mine with a smile, "Let's go outside." Before I have a chance to respond she jumps up from her seat, traveling out to the door. Charlie looks back at me with the smile she held on her face the day I took her to the carnival, the smile that I love, the smile that I strive to bring back everytime I see her. "Are you coming?" She questions.

I nod, walking past her, opening the door for her.

"What a gentlemen you are." She smiles, skipping through the door way out to the top floor of the tall building.

"It's so beautiful." She says, walking over to the ledge, I follow behind.

"You look beautiful." I stand behind her, placing my hands on her hips and resting my head on her shoulder.

"You are so romantic Niall." Her eyes are closed as she takes a deep breath. "But you don't like to admit it." Charlie grins.

"But I like it when you tell me I am." I shrug.

"Oh my god." Charlie's eyes grow wide, stepping back from the ledge into my arms.

"What? What's wrong?" I question, slightly frantic.

"Niall we start school in less than a mouth." She says, running her fingers through her long curly hair.

"And?" I say, eyebrows furrow.

"We have to get back home!" I can see the panic in her eyes. "I have so much stuff I need to get ready for. I still need to get my books, I need a to get a new computer, and I still need to look around campus to figure out where my classes are."

"Charlie, you are over thinking everything." I chuckle.

"No no I am not." She shake's her head. "We need to get back to Iowa."

"Okay I will find us tickets for the first flight out of here." I shrug.

"Did I tell you that I love you?" She sighs, wrapping her arms around my torso, resting her head on my chest.

"Oh maybe a few times." I laugh.

"Can we go back to the hotel?"

I don't even answer, taking her hand and leading her back to the elevator, pressing the button.

"I am going to miss this place." She sighs as we step inside the elevator. "I wish I could stay here, with you."

"Why don't we?"

"Because we have a life back home in Iowa we have to finish." She groans.

"What do you mean by a life back home?"

"Think about it Niall." Charlie starts but I don't know what I am supposed to be thinking about. "We have been totally different people here in New York. When we are back in Iowa we are always fighting and there is always someone getting in our way."

"I guess we will just have to change that then ya? Be what we need to be not what others need us to be."

"What do we need to be Niall?" Charlie questions, leaning into my shoulder.

"Us." I say looking down at her. "Are relationship doesn't need to please anyone but us. Fuck everyone."

"I wish it was that easy." She mumbles as the elevator doors slide open, I know I wasn't supposed to hear her so I choose to ignore her.

"I hope your night was good Mr. and Mrs. Horan." The man at the door says, sending us off.

"It was great thank you." Charlie nods with a smile.

"So our room then?" I whisper in her ear, lightly pressing my lips against her neck. "Because I would love to see what's under these clothes."

"Such a tease." She sighs.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now