Over Again

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"I don't want to talk to you." I try to push past him but he doesn't budge.

"Then just listen ya?" His eyes beg for me. "Just let me talk."

I cross my arms across my chest.

He starts with a sigh. "I am sorry Charlie."

"You have said that."

"Yeah and I will keep fucking saying it! Now let me finish god dammit." He snaps at me. "I was drunk and I wasn't thinking. Courtney is from my past. A past that I don't want to bring back up. But I did and I am an idiot. She was just there and like I said I was drunk."

"What happened in your past Niall?" I try to keep away the tears. Holding them back. "In order for this to work Niall you have to open up. What was so bad that you won't tell me?"

"I can't." He shakes his head, looking at the ground. "You will hate me."

"Niall I could never hate you. I need you to be able to trust me. In order for this relationship to happen, I need you to be a part of it. It can't be one sided."

He ponders the thought, eyes locked on the ground. I need to know Niall's dark past, no matter what it might be. Knowing it will help us move forward, help me move forward.

"I can't" He steps aside allowing me to leave.

"Well I guess it really is over then isn't it?" I grab my bag off the floor.

"No." He says sternly.

"I think it is though." I nod.

"No. It isn't over. We aren't over Charlie. I love you and I can't let you go."

"Then you have to let me in!" I plea.

"Where did you stay last night?"

"I don't believe that's your business." I narrow my eyes at me.

"Just give me this one thing?"

"Why do you want to know so bad?" I question.

"Please Charlie."

"I stayed with Harry."

"Like with Harry?"

"I had a nightmare. He was there." I look at the ground.

I look up to see him, not angry but upset. "I should have been there. I should have been the one to hold you while you slept."

"But you weren't." The tears start to brim. Remembering everything that happened last night. "He kissed me Niall."

He eyes snap up to meet mine, "Harry kissed you?"

"I needed to get that off my chest." I sigh. "I don't know why I am telling you this. We aren't together so it is none of your business." I tilt my head to the side, looking at him.

"You are telling me because you still have feelings for me. You feel guilty." He looks at me, eyebrows furrowed.

"I am leaving." I take my bag to the front door. "Goodbye."

"For now." Niall says as I shut the door behind me. I take the elevator down to the lobby and quickly walk out to my car. I throw my suite case in the trunk and drive away from the hotel, away from Niall.

I speed all the way to my place. I want to see Liam. I want him to tell me how wrong I was. I just need someone to yell at me.

I pull up to the curb and get out of the car, I snatch my bag from the back and rush up to my apartment. Liam sits on the couch and jumps when I swing the door open.

"Charlie? Where have you been?" He gets up off the couch.

"I have a lot to tell you so you just might want to sit down." He takes his seat back on the couch and I sit next to him.

I tell him everything. From when I caught Niall, to the night I spent with Harry, and just being at the hotel with Niall.

Liam runs his fingers through his hair, "Are you okay?"

"Physically? Yes. Emotionally? No." I sigh.

"Did you ask him about this Courtney girl? Who is she?" Liam questions.

"He won't tell me." I look up at Liam, he gives me a concerned look. "And that's when I knew everything was over."

"I am sorry Charlie. I know how much he meant to you."

"What?" I ask, confused. "Aren't you supposed to rub it in my face. Tell me you were right all along."

"That wouldn't help anything now would it? I am not here to make you feel worse than you already do Charlie. I am your brother and I'm here whenever you need me."

"You are indeed, the best brother." I wrap my arms around Liam, thanking him. "I need sleep." I yawn, stretching a little.

"Yeah. I will see you in the morning." Liam gets up and disappears into his room. I do the same, stripping out of my clothes. I ignore Niall's shirt that sits in my dresser drawer, and put on my over sized Led Zepplin shirt.

I crawl into my bed, letting the warm sheets over take me. I sink down into my pillow with a huge sigh of relief. All the hurt, the pain, fades away as my eyes close. But one person enters my dreams, the one person I don't want to see.

Niall Horan.


I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who has been reading and voting! I would love it if you guys could leave comments with your feedback because it helps me so much! Tells me what I need to improve on! Once again thank you so much:3 Spread that word about this story if you enjoy it!


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