Getting Kinky

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"She hasn't left the bed all day." I hear Niall faintly outside the bedroom door. "I have tired. I fucking hate seeing her like this. She needs you right now."

My door opens and Liam walks in, a worried smile on his face. "Hey Charlie." Niall stays put in the doorway. Liam sits next to me in bed, leaning his head against the head board, letting out a deep breath. "I am sorry."

"You gave him a key?"

"Yes I know that was stupid of me." He shakes his head, looking down at his hands. "I was still in shocekd and I didn't react right."

"I don't want to go to dinner tonight." All the emotions I have been holding in come pouring out. "I don't want to see him again."

"Charlie we could have closure." Liam fiddles with my blanket. "Tonight we could have him out of our lives forever."

"But it hurts." I have feel the tears brimming again. "I hate seeing him happy. Liam I dreamed of the day I would see dad again but now that I have..."

"I feel the same way Charlie. I hate the smug look he has on his face." Liam shrugs. "But I am going to this dinner and I hope you will come with me."

"What time are we supposed to be there?" I pull my knees up to my chest.

"An hour." Niall was right, I have been in bed all day and I haven't even realized it. "We can go together Charlie. The minute you want to leave we will leave ya?"

"I need to get dressed." I nod at him and he nods back, leaving the room.

Niall finally steps inside, shutting the door behind him.

"Do you want me to come?" He keeps his distance and I rummage through my dresser. He acts like if he touches me I will break down again, where in turn, right now, all I want is his touch.

I quickly throw on a black v-neck and a pair of jeans, throwing my hair into a quick messy bun.

"Will you just hold me for a moment." I question, messing with my fingers trying to keep myself from crying again.

Niall's long arms wrap tightly around me, his grasp feeling like the ulimate protection from the world around us.

"He isn't worth your tears." Niall states, I feel his lips on my head.

"I have to do this with Liam." I pull away just slightly so I can look up at him. "This is our battle and I don't want to pull you into this."

"Oh babe I was pulled in the moment that sick bastard broke into our home." Niall narrows his eyes at the thought of my father.

"That is besides the point. You get to stay here and enjoy the silence."

"I hate silence. It leaves me with my own thoughts." Niall cringes.

"You will find something to do." I shrug. "And if it goes how I think it will, I will be home sooner then expected."

"The minute something goes wrong you call me got it?" Niall explains as we leave the bedroom to where Liam waits by the front door.

"Of course." I nod, giving him a small kiss on the lips before slipping on a pair of red converse and slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Ready?" Liam questions, opening the front door.

I nod, managing a small smile.

I go to follow Liam out the door when Niall grabs my wrist pulling me back to him.

"You forgot something." Niall pulls the ring from his pocket, clasping the necklace around my neck. "I will miss you." He kisses me again, but harder and longer this time.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now