Normal is Boring

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God I am such an ass. Charlie and I are in fucking New York, supposed to be having the time of our lives, away from all the fucking bull shit. But like usual I have done something wrong. I always do something wrong.

I watch closely, from where I sit and the edge of the bed as Charlie works around the room. Cleaning up, even though I know she is just doing her best to ignore me.

"Charlie." I sigh.

She doesn't say anything. She bends down to grab a few of my shirts off the floor and I can't help but stare at her ass. Of course she would be turning me on when I know I can't have her.

"Charlie please talk to me." I stand up, lightly touching her arm and she winces.


"But that's talking to me. See you have already started now keep going."

She turns around, ignoring me again.

"Fucking hell Charlie." I say, grabbing her by the waist and turning her around. "Just talk to me. I mean fucking yell and scream at me if you have to."

"No. Screaming and yelling would involve a fight and I am not in the mood." She won't even look at me.

"We are already in a fight." I groan, running my fingers through his hair. "So go, go right ahead. Let it all out and don't let me stop you." I step back and wait for Charlie to start.

She takes a deep breathe, "But I don't want to be in a fight because we have this fight over and over again and I am tired Niall." I can still see the stains on her cheeks from before. I caused those fucking tears, and I hate myself for that.

"Okay then may I?" I sit on the edge of the bed and Charlie crosses her arms across her chest, waiting for me to continue.

"I fucked up." She rolls her eyes because she already knew that. "I fucked up once again and I am going to keep fucking up but I know that you will be here to unfuck it. I am a hot mess Charlie and I am afraid that one day you are just going to be fed up with my bull shit and leave. But for some odd reason you are still here and I can't exactly wrap my head around that." I stop, looking up at her. Her face has softened a bit and she is actually looking at me.

"It's because I am a hot mess too." She says, looking from me to the ground. "So we are a hot mess together."

"You're anything but." I scuff.

"We balance each other out." She keeps going, totally ignoring what I said. "See the amount of mess we cause counteracts and that's why we worked. We are pretty fucked up Niall." She nods.

"I don't like that though." I say in frustration, removing myself from the bed. "We shouldn't be fucked up Charlie." I start pacing the room and she just stands in silence, watching me. "We should have a fucking normal relationship like normal fucking people."

Her hand lightly brushes against my arm and I stop at her touch. She grabs my arm and turns me toward her, looking right into my eyes. Those eyes, her light blue eyes that make me go soft. She steps closer to me and I take my chance, wraping one arm around her waist, god she is so delicate. She is like fine china, you want so badly to touch but it is even better to stand back and enjoy the beauty.

"But normal is so boring." She says, looking up at me scrunching her nose. "Normal is for the bleak and we are anything but." She grins down at her hands resting on my chest.

I place my thumb under her chin and lift her head so she is looking at me, or that I can look at her. She is so god damn beautiful and the fact that she is with me still boggles my mind. Her hair is down and holds it's natural curl, perfectly shaping her face. Her plup pink lips make me bite my own, all I want to do is kiss her, touch her, get her out of that tight fucking dress that hugs her every curve.

"I love you Niall." Her lips move but I barely hear her, I am fixated on the sight of her.

"I would say I love you too." I say letting out a breath. "But doesn't express even half of what I feel for you Charlie." I take the ring that she wears around her neck between my finger and thumb, holding it up to my lips. "There is no way I could actually tell you in words how much I love you."

"Then how will you?" She bites her lip, sending me into a slight craze.

I take her face in my hands, pressing my lips agressively against hers. Charlie leans back, causing me to lean into her, my hand traveling down to grip her neck for support.

She slips off her heels, making me even taller than her. I reach down, right under her bum on her upper thigh. My hand travels up to her thigh, gripping her bum.

"This dress." I say, breathing in between kisses, "needs to go." My hands travel up to the waist line of the dress, pulling it from her body. I take a step back to admire her the beauty that stand in front of me. She wears matching black bra and panties. Every curve, every imperfection, there not being many, makes me want her even more. Every part of her, I need to be with her. Charlie is the one person I thought I would never love and now she is standing here in front of me, in the most confident way, and I could never love anyone more.

I remove my own shirt from my body, throwing it on the floor. Charlie closes the small space between us, reaching down to my belt. She fumbles with it a bit before undoing it and then undoing my pants button. She slowly and seductively pulls down my pants, traveling with them. I look down at her, and she grins up at me.

"You can't keep doing that." I smirk, grabbing her hand and pulling her back up to me. I travel back to the bed, laying down and moving back to the head board. Charlie gets on the bed, crawling on top of me. She straddles me trailing her hands up and down my chest.

"Are you taking control tonight." I bite my lip, as my eyes graze down her body.

"What?" Her eyes get wide and I grin at her innocents.

"Did you want to be the one on top tonight? Because I like the view from here." I place my hands on either one of her thighs.

"Niall I don't-"

I balance myself on my elbows so I am closer to Charlie. "I love you Charlie and I know you want to do this. As much as you act all innocent but you look so damn sexy right now and I am so fucking turned on at the moment."

"I wouldn't even know what to do." She shrugs slightly.

God her innocence is most sexy thing about her.

"You just do actually what you always do but you just won't be on your back."

She doesn't say anything. She has this uncontrollable grin on her face but she doesn't say anything. Charlie reaches around her back, unclasping her bra, letting it fall down her arms and tossing it on the floor. She reaches her small hands into my boxers and shimmies them down my legs and I grab a condom from the beside table. I stuck one in there because ya never know.

Charlie takes it from my hand and carefully opens the foil package, slipping the condom into my length.

She once again straddles me, my length filling her. I let out a groan as Charlie grinds her hips into me.

"You never make me take long." I moan.

Charlie continues, her head dipping back, moaning my name. This sends me off the edge, I fill into the condom as I watch Charlie's neck glisten with a bit of sweat and watch as the ring sits perfectly between her breast. She fills in around me and rests her head on my chest, exhausted.

I grab her hips, turning her over on her back.

"God I fucking love you." I smile down at her.

Charlie giggles covering her own smile.

I take her hand away from her face, and she looks up at me.

"I love you too Niall."

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