All Eyes on Me

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I look through my drawers for my best outfit. I shouldn't be dressing up for Niall but for some reason I want to. Hell! I shouldn't even be going with him! Who knows where he is taking me. Could be some drug dealers house or something. I push the thoughts away and take out a pair of skinny jeans and a light blue blouse. I curl the ends of my hair and fluff in out a little. I put on my white flats and go out to the living to greet Niall. Liam must be in his room.

Niall raise his eyebrows, looking me up and down, "You're wearing that?"

I look down at my outfit, "What's wrong with this? I love this shirt."

"Whatever." He turns to head to the door, expecting me to following, which I do.

"Where exactly are we going?" I question as I get in his car.

"Iris made me pick you up. I am just dropping you off at her dorm." He speeds out of the parking lot making me uncomfortable.

He pulls up to Iris's dormatory and parks the car, looking at me with a blank expressions. "You can get out now."

"Thanks for the ride I guess" I go to get out of the car when Niall's large hand grasps my wrist, sending chills down my spine. I turn back to look at him, "Have a great day Charles." He throws me an evil grin.

"My name isn't Charles." I says yanking my arm away. "It's Charlie." I get out of the car before I hear Niall chuckle. I slam the door and he drives off.

I stomp up to Iris's room and bang on the door. She answers with a big smile until she sees my face, a frown grows. "What's wrong?"

I push my way into her room. Unfortunately, she rooms with Liv, but I ignore the fact she is sitting on the bed. "Why of all people, do you send Niall to come get me?" I growl at her.

"I am sorry okay!" She holds up her hands in defense. "He came over and I don't have a car so I sent him to go get you. I didn't think you would mind."

"He is a dick Iris."

Liv laughs a little. I turn to her, "Can I help you?"

"Not at all." She says shaking her head.

"If you have something to say you might as well say it." I cross my arms across my chest.

She stands up and gets in my face, "You keep saying how much of a dick Niall is but we all know that you just want his." She spits.

I want so badly to slap her, but I have to be the better person. I can't stoop to her level, as much as I want to.

"Come on." Iris pulls me away to the door. "Let's get out of here." She pulls me out the door, but Liv continues the laugh. "She is a bitch Charlie. Just ignore her."

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask Iris as we walk off.

"To the mall." She skips a little with happiness.

"Why?" I elongate the 'Y'

"We have a party tonight."

I stop in my tracks and she looks back at me. "Really?"

"A few parties never hurt anyone!" She grabs my arm and drags me all the way to the mall. It is just a few blocks away from Iris's dorm so she tends to shop a lot.

"But parties are not my thing. They're yours. It was a disaster last night." I follow her into Charlotte Ruse and she starts looking through racks of dresses.

"Start looking!" She waves at all the clothes. "It is my treat. You need something sexy to wear."

"Iris. I am not letting you buy me stuff." I say shaking my head, but start to eye the dresses.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu