Hold Me to It

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I press Charlie against the door of our hotel room, pressing my lips against hers.

"We need to get you out of these clothes." I say, as my lips travel down her neck. "And into that bed."

I look up into her eyes. Her blue green eyes meet mine. Her desire is present but so is her love. The love that Charlie holds is so strong but it could never be stronger than the one I hold for her. I don't think she will ever love me as much as I love her. I never thought I would love someone as much as I love Charlie. I never thought I would love anyone period.

"I love you so much Charlie." I say, breathing heavily.

"I love you too Niall." She nods, searching my eyes for more.

"Come with me." Charlie takes my hand, leading me into the bedroom. She let's go of my hand, pulling her shirt over her head. I bite my lip, taking in every bit of her, I don't think I will ever get used to her beauty. I meet her over where she stands, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" I whisper into her ear.

"You didn't have to do anything to deserve me." She says shaking her head. "I am not as perfect as you make me out to be."

"No you are so much more." I say reaching down for her pants button.

She turns around so she is facing me.

"I like this you, Niall." She says, placing her hand on my cheek, stroking her thumb across my cheek bone. "The real you."

"I hope you know that brought me out of that darkness I was in before I met you. You are the one who has brought me to who I am today." I explain, looking down at my hands that travel down to her stomach. "If I ever lost you I would fall so far back into that darkness."

"Well lucky for you I am not going anywhere." Charlie places her thumb under my chin, lifing my head so our eyes meet. "Because I love you Niall and nothing will ever change that."

"You say that now but-" I start but she stops me mid sentence.

"There is no but Niall." She shakes her head, eyebrows furrow.

I take in a deep breath. "Now enough of this sappy shit." I say grabbing her butt and she let's out a squeak. "Let me pleasure you."

Charlie grins, jumping up, wrapping her legs around my torso. She places her arms around my neck for support and I place my hands on her butt to hold her up. Charlie presses her lips against mine and walk over to the bed. With her still in my grasp I lay her down, taking my lips away from hers just for a moment to remove my own shirt, just to press my lips back against her plump pink ones.

Charlie fumbles with my pants button. I laugh a bit, pulling them down myself.

"It's your own fault for wearing jeans tighter than my own." She say removing her own pants.

"Hey you like my jeans. You like staring at my arse." I grin. I start kissing up her stomach and too her neck until I finally reach her lips. "I love you so much. More than words can express."

"How can you express it then? Because I would love to find out." She bites her lip and it sends me reeling.

I reach around her back, unclasping her bra. She giggles, doing the rest of the work and throwing in on the floor. I dip my fingers into her panties and she lets out a small moan but I just hook my fingers around them, pulling them down to her ankles and off her body. Charlie moves back so her head in the comfort of the pillows and I follow to be on top of her.

"You want to be tops again? Because that was really fucking sexy." I moan, my lips leaving trails along her pantie line.

"Not this time." She says shaking her head. "I like it when you take control." She reaches over to the bedside table and pulls out the small foil package, ripping it open with her teeth.

I get anixouis seeing her like this. I quickly pull my boxers down my legs and kick them off onto the floor.

She bites her lip back once again as she rolls the condom down my length. I moan Charlie's name and she giggles with accomplishment.

"If you keep giggle like that this whole thing is going to go pretty fast." I say, looking down at her.

"I love you Niall." She explains, her big blue green eyes looking straight into my own.

"I love you too." I respond, sliding into her.

She lets out a moan, a loud one. I hope everyone could hear it too. I hope everyone knows that she is mine.

"So tight." I say sliping out of her just to go right back in. "You are always so fucking tight Charlie."

I watch as her eyes close with pleasure. I watch as her back arches, wanting more of me. I watch that ring that is sitting between her breast. I want so badly to rip it off her neck and put it on her finger. But for now I just watch. Watch how beautiful she looks as she moans my name over and over, wishing I could give more of myself to her.

"Niall I am about to-" But she stops as she comes with me still inside of her. I do the same, filling the condom and collapsing onto her chest. I listen to her quick heart beats and her deep, slow, breaths.

"I didn't think it could get better." I let out a deep breath, rolling over next to her, removing the condom and tossing it in the trash.

"The more you love someone the better the sex gets." She say, turning over in bed to look at me. "That's a saying right?" She smiles.

"I think it may have been Dickens." I say sarcastically and she laughs, playfully hitting my chest.

"God dammit Niall." Her mood changes quickly, she narrows her eyes at me as she sits up in bed.

"What?! I thought it was funny." I shrug, laying my head on her stomach, looking up at her.

"You need to go get us tickets back home. You said you would."

"But we just got done?" I sigh. "Can't I have a few minutes to take it all in."

"No." She says, shaking her head. "You are going to say that same thing 20 mintues from now so might as well get it done now."

"Are you sure?" I slowly guide my head down to her pantie line. "Because I don't think we are done." I smirk as she bites her lip, trying to hold back a moan.

"NO!" She slaps my hand away and I laugh, getting out of bed, slipping out of bed and slipping on my boxers.

"Fine I will get out damn tickets." I grab my laptop from my bag.

"Maybe if you are fast enough I will reward you." She comes over to the edge of bed where I sit, kissing down my neck.

"Can I hold you to that?" I grin, setting down my laptop and turning around to pin her down on the bed.

She doesn't say a word, she just gives me an teasing smirk, licking her lips.

"You are do fucking dirty Charlie Rose Moore." I shake my head.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now