Red Bandanna

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I disconnect my lips from Charlie's, turning around to place a face to the voice. When I am shocked that I don't recongize the face. He is about the same height as me, a little taller maybe. He has brownish hair, with a red bandana holding it back as a headband. He wears tight black jeans and a 'The Strokers' shirt with the sleeves cut off.

"Ashton!?" Charlie rips herself from my grasp to give the man in front of me a hug. I feel the anger course through me and he smiles in her arms. "What are you doing here!?"

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here is the real question?" He laughs.

"Here for vacation. Nothing special." Charlie shrugs. It is almost like she has forgotten I am here. "I just needed to get away, you know how that goes."

"I have miss-" Ashton starts but I cut him off.

"Who the fuck are you?" I say narrowing my eyes at him as Charlie turns back around to him.

"Oh god I am sorry." He smiles holding out his hand for me to shake. "I am Ashton. Charlie and I were best friends ever since the 1st grade when she told me she liked Pokemon better than Barbies." I shake his hand firmly and he doesn't even wince.

"I am Niall. The boyfriend." I try to size him up but he is still about an inch taller than me.

"How did you get in here?" I question, pulling Charlie back over to my side, holding her by the hip.

He laughs a little, "Well I ran into your mom today. She said you were staying here so I decided to drop by." I cringe at the thought of Charlie's mother.

"My mom? How did she know I was here." Charlie questions, she looks up at me with a look of confusion.

"Um I am not sure." Ashton looks just about confused at Charlie does. "I just kind of assumed since she is your mother."

"I haven't talked to my mom in about a month. We didn't end on the greatest note from our last get together." She shrugs, looking down at her hands.

I don't like this kid. Everything about him makes me want to punch him in the face. The way he holds himself so confident, and that stupid laugh. The only thing that is keeping me from doing it is the fact that he is Charlie's friend, and she wouldn't forgive me if I did something like that.


"You know it is three in the fucking morning right?" Niall says, glaring at Ashton. I know that he doesn't like him. But then again when does he like anybody.

"I am aware but the lady at the front desk said that you were out so I figured I would wait." He shrugs.

"We will have to hangout tomorrow!" I beam but look up at Niall to see the anger in his eyes. "Actually it is technically today but you know." I feel slightly uncomfortable.

"I think you should go." Niall says gripping my hip.

"Right! Of course! You two are probably tired!" He moves from his position over to the door.

"Well let me get your number so we can hangout!" I hand Ashton my phone and he takes it, putting his number in and then texting himself.

"I will talk to you tomorrow then." He nods before leaving the hotel room.

I smile down at my phone before looking back up at Niall.

My expression changes quickly when I see the look of curiosity and anger in his face.

"What the fuck Charlie? Who the hell was that fucker?" He steps in front of me, so he is right in my face.

"He was my bestfriend Niall. I have known him for most of my life. I am not sure how I could of managed without him." I shrug. "I know you don't like him Niall, I can already tell but-"

"You are so fucking right I don't like him." He scuffs. "I saw the way he looked at you. Only I can look at you that way Charlie."

"Niall I can't keep having this fight with you over and over again." I sigh, pushing him back so I can go back to the bedroom. Niall follows close behind at my heel.

"We wouldn't have to keep having this fight but you keep finding a way to create it. All these guys who are your friends." He says with air quotes.

"I am the one creating it?!" I laugh at the stupidity of the sentence. "Niall there is nothing going on with any of my guy friends! You make stuff out of things that aren't even a thing." I remove myself from my outfit and Niall quickly removes his shirt, handing it to me before I have the chance to put something else on.

I slip it on while he continues to talk, "Why do you have to have so many guy friends? It makes you sound like a whore." His eyes grow wide after the words escape his mouth but they have already cut like knives.

"W-what did you just call me?" I narrow my eyes at Niall.

"Charlie I didn't mean it like that." He shakes his head.

"Anyway you meant it, there wasn't a good way to put calling me a whore." I say.

"Charlie please don't do this." Niall begs but I am already pushing him out of the bedroom. "Charlie please." I push him out the door and slam the door to the separate bedroom. I quickly lock the door before Niall has a chance to push his way back in.

"Fucking hell Charlie." He yells from the other side of the door so I can see him. "Are we five here?" He pounds on the door.

"No according to you I am a whore." I say back.

He stops banging on the door. I hear him sigh and I make my way over to the bed, falling back into the sheets.

"Charlie open the door."


"Charlie open the door." He repeats


"Charlie open the fucking door or I swear to god I will kick it down." It becomes silent and I sit up in the bed.

"Sleep on the couch tonight Niall." I wrap myself in the sheets, closing my eyes.

"Fucking hell." I hear him messing with the door and it clicks open.

I scrabble up in the bed as Niall storms in the room.

"How did you-"

"Credit card." He lays down next to me. "It's not that hard Charlie."

I stay silent.

"Charlie you know that I don't think you are a whore." He scoots closer, pulling at my waist but I remove myself from the bed. "I don't think of you that way it just came out wrong. Charlie I know that you have only been with me."

"Have I though?" I cross my arms across my chest.

Niall gets out of the bed to stand his ground over me, "What did you fucking say?"

"What if I was with someone else? What if I lied? What would you do then Niall?"

"Charlie stop talking like that." He shakes his head, running his fingers through his messy hair.

"Then stop being a fucking asshole and be my boyfriend." My voice grows louder as I hit Niall in the chest.

"Okay!" Niall says grabbing my wrists. "Okay! Would you calm down for a moment please?"

"You are going to have to get used to the fact that Ashton is going to be my friend because he has always been my friend and even you can't change that." I explain to him, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Fine." He says looking down at me. "But I am going on this outgoing with the two of you. I can't have him doing anything that I wouldn't approve of." He says pulling me close.

"Can we go to bed now please?" I question, resting my head on his chest.

"Mhm" He nods, walking forwards, so I start walking backwards with me still in his arms. I fall back into the bed with Niall on top of me. I scoot over into my spot and he does the same. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Please don't be a jackass anymore." I say with a yawn.

"Only when it is needed most." I peek up at him to see a small grin. I fall asleep shaking my head at him.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now