Hotel Sweet Hotel

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"How long are we staying?" I ask Niall on the elevator ride to the fourth floor. I tried to help pay but he refused to take my money.

"However long you want to. I told them we didn't have a set check out date." He takes my bag as the doors slide open. He carries it to the room and I slip the card into the door handle and it clicks open.

I step inside and it is way bigger than I thought it would be. It has a full on kitchen complete with a stove and sink. A living room sits right outisde the kitchen with a flat screen, a couch and a few recliners. Another set of doors lead to the bedroom.

"Niall." I sigh.

"What is it now?"

"Why did you get such an expensive room."

"It isn't expensive." He shrugs. He takes my hand and leads me into the bedroom. "Now how about we break in the bed?" His hand travels down my back and grabs my butt. "I want to do so many things to you right now."

"Like what?" I ask in the most sexy voice I can manage.

A grin appears across his lips, "I am going to throw you on this bed. Tear your clothes off your warm silky body." His hand travels up my shirt, causing a small moan to escape my mouth. "I will pleasure you like no other man could." He whispers into my ear. He steps back towards the bed, causing me to fall back.

Niall removes his shirt and I do the same. He grins as he pulls my pants down my legs and tossing them behind me. He kneels next to the bed and grabs my ankles, pulling me to the edge. He stands up, lips traveling down my stomach to right above my pantie line. Oh god.

His fingers hook to my panties pulling them off my body. He kneels back down. Using his strong arms, he spreads my legs apart.

"Niall I-" I start to close my legs but his arms around my tighs keeping them apart.

"Let me do this." He looks up at me before dipping his head between my legs. I gasp as his tongue darts inside of me. His movements send chills down my spine.

I intertwin my fingers in his hair and tug slightly, "Niall." I bite my lip, holding back my moans.

He stops just before I come. He stands before me, licking his lips. "You can't do that yet." He pushes me back to the pillows, removing his pants before crawling on top of me.

"Do you have a-" He already answers my question, reaching down and pulling the small sliver package from his pants pocket. I pull his boxers down and he kicks them off. Already hard, he quickly slips on the rubber.

"I love you Charlie." He moans as he slips inside of me. This time it doesn't hurt as much. I can enjoy it more.

"I-I love you Niall." I stutter from the pleasure of him being inside of me. My nails dig into his back as we both finish, me a little before him. It feels even better than the first time.

He collapses on top of me, breathing hard. "I am addicted to you, Charlie Moore." He rolls over next to me. "And you can't ever get rid of me."

"I don't want to." I kiss Niall's cheek before rolling out of bed, the sheet wrapped around my naked body.

"Where are you going?" He makes a pouty face at me.

"I am just going to get a drink." I open the double doors to the room. "I will be back in a second." I exit the room with the sheet trailing behind me. I pour myself a glass of water and down it within a minute. There is a loud knock on the door but Niall doesn't hear it. I wrap the sheet tighter around my body so nothing is showing. I pull open the door only to see Harry standing before me.

"H-hi Charlie." He stutters.

"How did you know I was here Harry?" I try to cover myself more.

"Oh right." He rubs the back of his neck. "Your beetle is out front. Your brother gave me the extra keys so you wouldn't get towed. And this." He pulls my phone from his back pocket and hands it to me. "He said you would need it."

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much Harry!" I smile up at him. "But you really didn't need to do that."

"Do what?" I turn around to see Niall stalking over to me in only a pair of sweats.

"I am just going to go." Before I have the chance to thank Harry again, he turns at his heels and quickly walks down the hallway. I close the door behind me and turn to Niall.

His jaw is clenched and his eyes glare down at me, "Why was he here? And why didn't you get me to answer the door? I mean for god sake Charlie! You are in a sheet." He steps closer to me, eyes blazing.

"He just came to give me my phone and tell me he dropped my car off out front." I walk back to the room with Niall at the heel. I drop the sheet and slip into my panties. "He is just being a good friend."

"No." Niall stalks towards me. "He is just trying to get with you. I want you to stay away from him Charlie." He says fists clenched.

"Niall would you just stop!" My voice raises, but I come back down to a calm. "I can have friends and Harry happens to be one of them. I love you and only you. Harry is not going to change that. I am not going to do anything with him."

"It isn't you I am worried about Charlie. It's him. I don't want him making any moves on you." He steps closer to me.

"We agreed on friends Niall. Only friends."

"I don't care. I don't like it." Niall growls.

"Where are my clothes." I ignore him, searching the room.

"Here." He hands me his black shirt.

"I am still mad at you." I say as I slip his shirt over my head.

"I am right Charlie." He yells at me as I leave the bedroom. "I will always be right."

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now