Miss Me?

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"Good morning love." Niall's raspy morning voice rings through my ears as I yawn awake. His finger lightly traces small circles on my bare stomach.

"You could have woken me." I smile cuddling into Niall's warm chest.

"You looked so peaceful." He strokes my hair. "Plus you look so fucking sexy right now." I laugh, tracing the tattoos on his chest.

"So what are our plans for this wonderful Monday?" I shot up from my position on the bed. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Niall's eyes narrow at me.

I get out of the bed, throwing on my underwear and my white sun dress. "I have work today! I haven't been in a few days. I am lucky Ezra still keeps me." I put on my red Toms and curl the ends of my hair.

"Can't you just quit?" Niall stays in bed, sitting against the head board. "I mean you have a full ride now. And you have me." He shrugs.

"Niall I still have to make money some how." I roll my eyes. "And I am definitley not letting you pay for me for anything. You don't even have a job Niall."

"Yeah I do." He gets on of bed, putting on a pair of boxers.

"What? How did I not know this? Where do you work?" I really need to get to work but I need to talk to Niall about this.

"So many questions." He sighs. "I work from home. Didn't you say you needed to get to work?" He walks over to stand in front of me.

"Um yeah. I will see you later." Why the sudden coldness?

"Maybe." He kisses my cheek before disappearing into the bathroom.

I sigh, grabbing my purse, leaving the hotel and Niall behind. I wish I could have stayed with him in bed but I need to keep this job, for my own good. I make my way down to my car. As I pull away from the curb my phone rings.

"Hello?" I press my phone to my ear.

"Charlie?" Colton's fimilar voice echo's in my ear.

"Why are you calling me Colton?" I roll my eyes. I had no desire to talk to him ever again but he has to go and call me. I can only imagine what Niall will think.

"We need to patch things up. I will explain everything. Just please meet me for lunch?" His voice pleas.

As much as I don't want to see him again I am curious to what he has to say, "Why? Why should I give you another chance?" I pull into the parking lot of the record store, but sit in my car.

"Please Charlie. I need to see you."

"Fine. I will meet you at the Cafe." I hang up before he tries to speak again. I make my way into the record store where Ezra mans the front desk.

"Long time no see." He says with a smile. He is always so nice and I don't understand how he does it.

"Sorry that I have been gone for so long. I have had an interesting past couple of days." I sigh.

"Don't worry about it. It's been slow anyway." He shrugs and leaves his seat to come around the to the front of the desk. "You man the register and I will put some new records out." He flashes his big, white smile at me before disappearing into the back room.

I sit in silence for about an hour, with not even one ring of the bell on the door. Ezra owns the store and it used to be very popular, then iPhones came to be and no one needs cd and records anymore. But I love the thought of working around all these old records. Each one with a different story, a different sound. Some times, if I am lucky, Ezra lets me pick the record to play in the store. Today I picked The Who.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now