Closed Minded

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The room feels as if it's growing smaller and smaller with no way out.

The footsteps of my father sound like bombs going off as he makes his way toward me. I feel Niall's tight grip on my shoulders as he moves me further away from the, what seems like stranger, in front of me.

"You must be Niall." My dad's voice seems silent as he holds his hand out to Niall. "It is great to meet the man that has stolen my Char from me." His warm smile sends me chills.

Niall doesn't removes his hands from me. "Stolen her from you? You are the ass that left her in the first place."

"Okay I didn't expect this to go well." He runs his hand through his perfectly slicked back hair. He reminds me so much of Liam. The way he smiles slightly when he is nervous or how he has the exact same eye color as Liam.

"Dad?" Is all I can manage, The sight of him after all these sends me into a daze.

"Char I have missed you."

"Why are you here?" Niall says cooly.

"I am going to be in town for a little while for buisness."

"Where are you staying?" I blurt and Niall looks down at me, holding a glare.

"A hotel a few blocks away. I figured I shouldn't just barge in and ask to stay with you." He laughs.

"Barge in? Fucking barge in." Niall laughs sarcastically. "Talk about barging in, how the fuck did you get in?"

"Liam gave me his spare." He nods.

"Liam has a spare?" I question looking at Niall.

"He insisted when you moved in" His eyes are locked on my father. "But that is beside the point."

"D-do you want to stay here?" I stutter, not knowing if I mean the words that I say.

"No." Niall and my dad both say in unison.

"I want to be back here to get to know you and your brother Charlie but baby steps." He nods, glancing up at Niall. "And by the looks of it I will be here for a while."

"God I hope not." Niall mumbles under his breath. I can't muster up a comeback with how much shock I still shuffer from.

My father. The man I haven't seen in years is standing in front of me looking more happy than I have ever seen him. I grow a bit of emotion of how happy he is. I can't pin point what emotion I am feeling, hate, anger, jealousy. So much is going on in my head and I don't know how to sort it.

"I was hoping you and your brother would come out to dinner with me tonight." He sticks his hands in his pockets, looking down at me.

"Yeah of course." I nod frantically.

"Good." He phones starts to ring and he pulls it from his pockets. "I have to take this." He says answering his phone and leaving Niall and I alone in our apartment.

"Welcome home to us right?" Niall groans, rubbing his hand over his face, sitting down on the couch.

"How can he be so happy?" I start to pace in front of Niall. "He left Liam and I years ago, and he looks even better than he did when he was with us." I say running my fingers through my hair.

"Hey" He grabs my wrist, pulling me into his lap. "He doesn't deserve to be fucking happy. I can wipe that fucking smile off his stupid little face if ya want me too?"

"No." I shake my head. "You have to be nice. Don't scare him away."

"I don't like him Charlie. He seemed more wrapped up in his new life than what he really should be thinking about." Niall sighs.

"That's not ture." I say, a bit hurt. "How would you even fucking know? You just met the guy and you are already being an ass." I storm off to the bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind me.

"Charlie what are you doing?" Niall questions through the door.

In all honesty I have no clue what I am doing. I am shutting Niall out and blaming him for my pain because I don't want to face the truth. My father is back and I couldn't be more pissed.

I always hoped I would see my father again one day but now that he is back, for god knows how long, I want him to leave. I wish he would of never come back. I wish I could live thinking that he made a mistake leaving us behind, that he was never the same after he walked away. I wish he wasn't happy.

How cold can I be? To wish upon sadness to my own father?

'But he left you.' My mind speaks to me. 'He left you and Liam without a word, without an explanation.' The anger starts to build. 'He doesn't deserve happniess. He doesn't deserve a second chance.'

"Charlie please open the door."

I ignore Niall, sinking down to the floor in front of me, covering my ears to try and block out his pleas. It takes me a moment to realize that I am sobbing, not just crying but sobbing. Every emotion I have toward my father after all these years comes pouring out.

"Charlie I swear to god I am going to kick down this door." Niall raises his voice.

I crawl over to sit with my back against the side of the bed, my knees pulled against my chest.

I finally drown out Niall yelling with my own sobs. Everything around me seems small, as if I am being closed within my own thoughts.

The kicking starts on the door.

Everything was going so perfectly. New York was supposed to clear the slate so I could back to Iowa a new person. Without the drama trailing behind me. But it is like be are a packaged deal. Get Charlie and you get a load of baggage to go with.

I haven't even realized the fact that Niall sits in front of me, holding my face in his large hands, trying to get me attention.


He looks as if he is screaming but he just sounds like a muffled voice.

"Charlie come back to me."

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now