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My mouth is wide open in shock. Zayn takes a drink of water and does a spit take all over the table.

"I never thought I would ever hear those words leave his mouth." Louis smiles at me.

"Fuck you guys." Niall turns at his heels and rushes outside.

I pat Harry's leg and he lets go of me. "I will be okay but I need to talk to him."

He nods and I scoot out of the booth rushing to find Niall pacing outside by his car. Once he sees me he rushes to the drivers side but I get to him right before he opens the door.

"Can I talk?" He turns to me but doesn't meet my eyes.

"I love you too Niall." His eyes lift up to mine. "But we won't be good for each other."


"No, no let me finish." I say placing my finger on his lips. "The thing is I want this to work. As much as I know it is a horrible idea to be with you, I want to make that bad decision."

"You are giving me a another chance?"

"Kiss me before I change my mind."

Niall cups my face in his hands. He leans down and presses his lips against mine. He leans back a little taking me with him, causing me to stand on my tippy toes to keep our lips from parting.

"Get in the car." He tells me, catching his breath.

I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Sorry." He sighs, rolling his eyes "Will you please get in the car?"

Niall opens the door for me and I get inside.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he pulls away from the pub, leaving our friends behind.

"My place?" He throws me a side smirk.


"Hmmm" He keeps his eyes on the road. "Good."

I look out the window at the houses we pass by. I hope that I am not making the wrong choice. I really do love Niall, really.

"What the fuck." Niall growls, I look to the driveway to find my mothers car with her standing next to it.

"How does she know where I live?" Niall parks but doesn't move.

"I don't know." I get out of the car and so does Niall, quickly rushing around the car to my side.

"Hello Charlotte." She says to me but looks at Niall. "I just came to say goodbye."

"You are leaving?" Niall has his arm snaked around my back.

"Yes." She nods, lips flat in a line. "It is time for me to go. I can't be around you anymore."

"Excuse me?" Niall snaps at her. I would stop him but my mother doesn't deserve my help. "You can't be around her?"

"Both of you." She nods.

"You have been a cold hearted bitch since you have gotten here." Niall steps in front of me. "You can't, for one moment, respect your own daughter's decisions, you just push her to do what you want her too."

"Because I know what is right for her."

I push Niall out of the way and get in my mothers face. "I thought we could make this work but you are just the bitch you have always been."

"Charlie." I hear Niall says behind me.

"I am glad you are leaving." She is pressed against the car because I am so close. "I don't-"

"Charlie." Niall pulls me back from my mother and brings me inside the house.

"What are you doing!" I pull away from his grasp trying to go back outside but Niall grabs my shoulders, putting me back in my place.

"Trust me, I fucking hate your mum but I don't want to have you say anything you will regret." The look on his face is blank. I wish I could read him.

"Will you just make her leave?" I cross my arms across my chest.

"Of course." He kisses me on the forehead before disappearing outside.


I walk back out to where Charlie's mum stands rubbing her temples.

When she sees me she stiffens. "I want my daughter."

"The problem is your daughter doesn't want anything to do with you." I snap at her.

"You are no good for her." She snaps right back. "She needs a real man."

"Like that twat Colton? He has a girlfriend, granted he did try to get into your daughters pants but you were too busy hating me."

She ignores my statement because she knows I am right, "She needs a man that can take care of her. That can meet her needs."

"Well I will remember that when I am fucking your daughter tonight." I grin.

She reaches up to slap me but I catch her wrist before she has a chance, "I think it is about that time that you leave ya?"

She forcefully opens her car door but before getting in she looks up at me, "This isn't over. When you break her heart I will be the one she comes running too. But I won't be there to comfort her."

She gets in her car and slams the door. She pulls away from the driveway and I give her a smile and a wave before going back inside to find Charlie pacing in the living room.

"Is she gone?" She rushes over to me.

"Yeah" She lets out a sigh of relief. "She really fucking hates me though." I caress Charlie's jawline to calm her but it isn't working. She is still shaking with anger.

"I fucking hate her." I have never heard her cuss this much. "I hate every fucking thing about that bitch. She has to ruin everything for me!" She runs her fingers through her long hazel hair.

I pull her in close to my chest, "Calm down love." I rub my hands along the length of her back "She is gone and she hasn't ruined everything, she hasn't ruined us."

I can feel her muscles relax against my light touch. Charlie is fraglie. One wrong move and she could break.

"Can we-" She stops mid-setence.

"Can we what?"

She shakes her head into my chest, I hear a giggle escapes her lips.

"Just tell me Charlie." I roll my eyes.

She rests her chin on my chest, her big blue eyes focused on my face, "Can we go up to your room?"

A smile spreads across my face as her own face becomes red. "I thought you would never ask."

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now