Where To?

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Goose bumps grow on my leg as Niall strokes my thigh. His knuckles are dry with blood. I can't believe what he did to Harry. His fist pounding Harry's face over and over. I shake the chilling thoughts away.

"Do I scare you?" Niall glances over at me before putting his eyes back on the road.

I dodge the question, because right now he does, and I don't intend on telling him that. "Where are you taking me?"

I can't take the torture of him anymore. I should have just stayed at the party. Not ran off. What is Iris going to think? Will she think I am a whore for going with Niall? Will Harry hate me?

"I am taking you home." Niall glares at me.

"What?" I question, expecting a totally different answer.

"I am taking you home Charles."

"My name is Charlie. Short for Charlotte, not Charles." I growl at him.

"Whatever you say Charles." A grin spreads across his face. I roll my eyes and cross my arms across my chest. "You are really hot when you are mad." He pulls his lip ring between his teeth.

"What are you doing?"

"What ever do you mean?" He says sarcastically.

"Acting like you actually care for me." I rant as he pulls up to the curb in front of my apartment building. "You are just a dick Niall." I get out of the car and slam the door behind me. I start to walk up to the front door when I hear the car door slam.

Niall runs up behind me grabbing my arm for the millionth time tonight. "We weren't done talking." The look in his eyes makes me forget everything I said.

"I was." I try to pull my arm away but his grip is tight.

"Charlie." He actually calls me by real name "Calm down. You act like we are together." He shrugs and lets go of me.

"Calm down?" His cheeks puff out with stress "Calm down? You have been toying with me since the party. Asking around about me. Now this? I didn't ask for this shit!" I swing open the door and luckily Niall doesn't follow. I storm but to the apartment. Iris sits on the couch waiting patiantly.

"How did you get here before me?"

She has a worried look on her face, when she sees that I am fine it softens a little.

"I sped the whole way." She gets up and walks over to me. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Wait..." She looks me up and down. "Did you two have sex?"

"God no!" I sit on the couch and Iris joins me. "And no he didn't hurt me. He just drove me home." I shrug.

"That's it? So what happened in the bathroom?" How does she know all this already?

"Nothing" I tuck a piece of hair behind me ear. "Nothing happened in the bathroom."

"You have to come with me" She stands back up. "Harry keeps asking about you."

I almost forgot, "Is he okay?" I quickly ask.

"Just come with me."

"Can I at least change?"

"No. I think you owe it to him to see you in that dress again." I groan and follow Iris out to Louis's car but he isn't in it. "He let me drive."

She drives too Louis's house where both Harry and Zayn live. I rush inside and Louis and Zayn are sitting in the living room playing video games. I walk into the kitchen to find Harry eating a bowl of ice cream.

His face is messed up, but still beautiful. His right eye in swollen and purple and there is a huge gash in his lip. "Oh my god." I gasp, covering my mouth with my hands.

"Are you okay?" He says looking at the dried blood on my leg "We didn't think we would see you until tomorrow."

"Am I okay!? Look at you!" He takes another bite of ice cream like nothing happened.

"Oh big deal. I feel fine." He shrugs.

"This is all my fault. I am so sorry Harry."

"Charlie." He caresses my arm "This isn't your fault. Niall just wants what he wants when he wants it. And that want just happens to be you." He walks into the living room with everyone else and sits next to Zayn.

"Are we all going to act like nothing happened?" I throw my arms in the air.

"Charlie." Louis pauses the game to look at me "This happens all the time. Niall gets mad, he hits something. This time it just happened to be Harry's face." They all nod in agreement.

The front door opens and in walks Niall. With Liv. He blows me a kiss as he takes her upstairs. It takes everything I have not to go up there and slap that grin right off his face.

"He lives here too?" I yell louder than I intended.

Iris pushes me out to the kitchen, "Charlie don't let him get to you. He wants you to be mad." She sighs.

"How are they all acting like this? I mean just look at Harry!"

"Calm down Char-" She goes to touch my shoulder but I slap it away.

"No! I have had too many people tell me to calm down and I am done with it!" I remove my heels and storm out of the house. I don't know where I am going, I just start walking.

My feet hurt by the time I get back to my apartment. I hear laughing from Liam's room and I go in to join him. He sits on the bed watching Step Brothers. I flop down on the bed. I just want to cry.

"I thought you were going to be out late?"

"Why does everything have to be so confusing?!" I scream into his pillow.

"What happened?"

"Niall happened." I lay my bed on the back board, sitting next to Liam.

"Do I need to beat his ass?"

"I am not sure that is such a good idea. He practically broke Harry's face tonight."

"Oh. Well isn't that lovely."

"And he continues to screw and screw at me until I am ready to break!"

"Woah there." He pats me on the back. "Maybe you should get some sleep."

The front door opens and Liam and I both look at each other confused.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now