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"I have to say I was expecting worse." I stare at the scene in front of me. The guys have moved the coffee table and Harry lays, passed out of the floor. Zayn and Louis laugh as they place beer bottles around Harry, high fiving when they finish.

"It's a work of art don't you think?" Zayn stumbles over to stand by Niall and I. "Should be in a gallery."

"On a scale of one to ten how drunk are you guys?" I laugh a bit, looking up at Niall who is shaking his head.

Harry moves a bit and all the bottles go tumbing down in a domino affect, causing Harry to jolt up off the floor.

"Dammit Harry!" Zayn yells. "You ruined it before we could take a picture!"

"You all need to leave." Niall states.

"Well they can't drive home like this." I gesture to them. "As long as you guys clean all this up you are welcome to sleep here."

"I call the couch." Zayn pushes Louis out of the way, laying down on the couch.

"Thanks." Louis nods, taking a seat on the recliner, trying to get comfortable.

Harry sighs laying back down on the floor.

Niall takes my hand, leading me back to the bedroom.

"I am not tired." I sigh. Niall takes a seat on the bed and I move over so I am standing between his legs. He places his hands on my stomach, guiding them around so they sit on my hips.

"Why won't you runaway with me Charlie?" He questions, looking up at me.

"You never asked properly."

"Will you runaway with me Charlie?"

"Ask me again in a couple of years when I am out of debt because of college." I groan, leaning into Niall more.

"I have enough money to cover the both of us." He fully wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me to him, resting his chin on my chest. "All I need from you is, well, you." He shrugs.

"You never actually told me what you do." I narrow my eyes at him. "I have never actually seen you do anything expect for that day."

Niall takes a moment to ponder the thought, figuring out how he is going to explain it. "I own a company."

"A company? Niall you are only 20."

"And? Neil Patrick Harris was a doctor when he was only like 12 or some fucking young ass age."

"That was a sitcom Niall. But could you enlighten me about this company of yours?" I raise an eybrow at him in curiosity.

"I help undeveloped writers."

"Like you teach them?"

"I guess. I don't know. It's stupid we don't need to discuss it any further." He shakes his head, lifting me away from him and onto the bed, crawling on top of me. He reaches for my shirt but I stop him.

"You aren't getting off that easy." I push him off of me, getting up off the bed. "For everything you tell me about this whole company of yours, I will take off an item of clothing."

"Kinky. Alright." He sits, contently on the bed. "I created it myself." Niall raises a eyebrow waiting for me to strip.

"Horrible information." I sigh. "All you get is a sock." I pull off my sock, throwing in on the floor.

"Fine." He narrows his eyes at me. "Uh it's a website where people all over the world can submit their writing of some sort for it is be read and fixed by me."

"Good one." I nod, peeling my shirt from my body, tossing it at Niall. "So you are like an editor?"

"More like a pre-editor." He shrugs. "If they don't feel confident enough to send it up to they big leagues they send it to me first for me to check over it and give feed back. Then they would send it to be edited professionally."

"Perfect." I undo my belt, slowly slipping out of my pants and kicking them to the side. "Have you writen any books?" I question, pushing Niall back on the bed, stradling his torso with my legs.

"I don't write books." He bites back his lip peircing. God I love that thing.

"But you do write?" I trace my finger down the middle of his chest to his belt buckle.

"Mhm." He nods, staring down at his hands.

I slowly begin to unbuckle his belt but I stop halfway. "What do you write then?"

"Haven't I told you enough?" He groans, throwing his head back. "You are such a tease Charlie Rose Moore."

"Nope. You must tell me." I lean down, leaving small kisses down his neck.

"Poetry." It comes out in a small moan.

I sit up, looking down at Niall. "Did you say poetry?"

"Yes." He nods in frustration. "Now can we be done talking you are killing me here love."

"I do love the writers." I grin, tugging and the hem of his t-shirt and he does the rest, pulling it over his head.

"Look at you." Niall smirks as I undo his belt. "Even with all the boys in the other room."

"Like you said before" I grin. "You just have to be quiet."

"Oh god Charlie." Niall grabs my hips, flipping me over so he lingers on top of me. "You cease to amaze me."

I reach my hands into his boxers, slipping them down his legs. He slowly reaches around my back, unclasping my bra.

I throw it on the floor, reaching over into the bedside table, grabbing a condom.

"Are you sure you want to do this with the guys in the other room?" Niall questions again.

I ignore him, slipping the condom onto his length, a small moan escaping his mouth.

I hold my finger to his lips.

"Quiet, remember?" I raise an eyebrow and he smiles a bit.

He slowly slips inside of me and I am held in that moment of blissful pleasure. Being so close to Niall as he holds me gives me a sense of protection. I feel as if I never left this moment I could always be safe. As long as I am with Niall.

"I love you." I tell him, and he take a moment to look directly into my eyes, his blue eyes piercing mine.

"I love you too Charlie." He leaves small kisses down my neck and stomach as we both finish.

"Do you think they heard?" I question and Niall lays next to me, breathing hard.

"Probably." Niall shrugs. "It's their fault for getting too drunk to leave."

"Oh god I am going to regret this in the morning aren't I?" I pull the sheet over my chest so it is covering my face.

"You better not." Niall scowls, pulling me close. "You get to go school shopping tomorrow." I look up at him to see an evil grin upon his lips.

"And you get to come with me." I giggle as his grin turns into a frown.

"I don't do shopping we have gone over this." He explains, eyebrows furrow.

"Yeah, and the last time you refused to go shopping with me I ended up running into my ex." I point out.

"Touché." He narrows his eyes at me. "I guess I have to don't I?"

"Unless you want to get into yet another argument."

"Touché twice." He repositions himself in bed so I can rest my head on his hard chest. "Goodnight love." He says, leaving a kiss on the top of my head.

Damn I could get used to this.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now