In the Air

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"I am going to sleep on the couch just because I respect you and your wishes." Harry says, unfolding a blanket. "But just know that if you have another episode like before I am coming right in."

"Thank you Harry." I stand on my tippy toes, giving him a hug. His arms wrap tightly around my waist, giving me a small squeeze.

"I will see you in the morning." He lets go, looking down at me.

"Of course." I nod, turning at my heel, going back to the bedroom. I don't even bother to change. Harry and I spent all day talking. Just talking. It was quite nice to have someone to listen to. I have been wrapped up in my own life lately that I haven't been able to hear about everyone elses. Harry explained to me that he made the Dean's list and how he is taking some summer classes hoping to graduate early. It is nice to hear that Harry is doing so well, I miss being able to hangout with him without worrying what Niall would do.

Niall. His face appears in my mind. My heart aches, I am tired, tired of hurting so much. Just so tired. I walk towards the bed, realizing that the canpoy lay, broken, on top of the bed. I sigh grabing a pillow and blanket from the closet. I lay down on the carpet, shutting my eyes.


"How long until you get here?" My brothers voice rings through my ears. I took the first flight I could get to Ireland. If I didn't I would have changed my mind, turned right back around to Charlie and that is not what she needs right now.

"Few hours. I will call you when I get home." I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

"Are you going to tell me about her?" Greg asks.

"Her? What are you talking about?" I haven't uttered a word about Charlie just because I don't want to be reminded of the beautiful girl I left behind.

"I know you aren't just coming to see me Niall. There is a girl." He chuckles. "But we can discuss when you get here. Later." He says, hanging up.

I let out a groan. I have been on this plane for about 2 hours now and I already want to shoot myself. After much arguing with the flight attendent, she let we move to an open seat by myself. I guess Ireland is not that popular around this time of year for Americans. I look down at my phone screen, Charlie's bright smile appears on the screen, along with 4 voice mails. I start with the first one, from Charlie.

"Please don't do this Niall. Come home." I can hear the tears in her voice.

"Next message." The voice tells me.

"Niall you can't keep running from us. No matter what you do, I will always love you." She lets out a sob. "You say that you are leaving because you have caused too much hurt. But Niall, you have caused more hurt in my heart because you left. You ran actually."

"Next message."

"Harry is coming over Niall."

"Fuck!" I mumble to myself. I forgot about that fucker. Of course she would run to him.

"I don't know why I felt obligated to tell you this. We aren't together, you made that perfectly clear when you walked out the door." She sighs. It is not a sigh of frustration but a sigh of defeat. I have broken her down to her last straw. "Anyway goodbye Niall." She hangs up the phone and I stare down at my screen. That's not what I meant when I left. I still want to be with Charlie. I love her more than I could ever love anyone.

"Last message."

This time it isn't from Charlie.

"God, why the fuck am I calling you." Harry's voice rings through my ears and I get an instant sense of hate. "What the fuck is your problem mate?" He is whispering, he must be at the apartment. "How could you just up and leave her like that? Look, I know you love her and you know that I love her." I clenched the seat tight in anger. I am such a fuck up. I am sitting on this stupid fucking ass plane while Harry is 'comforting' Charlie. "But we both know that she loves you and she doesn't and never will love me. You have worn her out Niall, she can't take this hurt much longer." I know Harry, I think to myself, you don't need to remind me of my mistakes.

"I am staying the night but I respect Charlie and her wishes so nothing is going to happen." He is staying in my fucking apartment. "She loves you Niall. I would sugguest you get back here before she moves on." And with that he hangs up.

I quickly get up from my seat, finding the flight attendent in the back of the plane.

"Sir you need to stay in your seat until the pilot gives you the okay to get up." She says with a fake smile.

"I need to get off this plane." I growl, clenching my fists.

"I am sorry sir but you are going to have to wait until we land." She gestures me back to my seat but I don't budge.

"I don't think you heard me." I step closer to the women, getting in her face. "I need to get off this plane before my girlfriend ends up with another guy. She is the only thing good I have going for me and I am not about to throw that all away because of my own shitty problems."

She steps back away from me, plastering a fake smile upon her face. "I am very sorry sir but if you don't sit down I am going to have to get the pilot in here." She takes a deep breath. "You will have to wait until we land which is" she looks down at her watch. "In about an hour."

"Get me off this fucking plane!" I throw the small food cart that she was standing next to, causing all the contents to scatter over the back room of the plane.

"I need some assistance in the back room." The women says into the phone that hangs on the walll. Within seconds a man comes through grabbing my arm.

"Please sir. Sit down." He pulls me out of the room but I pull my arm away.

"I fucking get it." I snap. Sitting back in my seat.

"Thank you sir." He nods, giving me the fakest smile I have seen on this whole flight.

One hour. One hour and then I am getting on the first plane back to Iowa. I shoot the man daggers as he walks back to the front of the plane. I always make the worst fucking mistakes and it always take something drastic like this to happen to show me how much of a fuck up I am.

I dial Charlie's number hoping she will answer.

"Hello?" Harry answers, sounding as if he is half asleep.

"Why the fuck are you answering Charlie's phone?" The sound of his voice sends my head spinning.

"She doesn't want to talk to you Niall." He sighs.

"You didn't answer my question." I say stubbornly.

"She handed me the phone, like I said she doesn't want to talk to you."

"I don't give a fuck, give her the fucking phone Harry." I growl.

He tries to cover the phone but I can still hear them talking. I can hear her. "He is insisting." Harry mumbles.

"I can't" Her small voice is promonent in my ear.

"Niall I really don't think sh-"

"I get it." I sigh, bitting my back my lip ring. "Just tell her I am coming back."

"No." I hear her scared voice once again.

"Once I land in Ireland I am taking the first plane back to Iowa." I explain ignoring her pleas.

"Charlie!" Harry's voice fades off as Charlie pulls the phone from him.

"You can't come back. You can't keep doing this to me." She begs.

"Charlie please."

"No!" She screams "Maybe you leaving was good for me. I can't take this anymore Niall. You've made your decision and that decision was to leave me and I will never forgive you for that." I hear the phone drop and her small foot steps walking away.

"Harry pick up the god damn phone." I yell, everyone on the plane turns to look at me.

"Yeah?" Harry finally responds.

"I am coming home. I don't care what she says." Even though that hurt like hell. "I am going to make this happen Harry and I don't need you in the way."

"Niall you did this to yourself." He says blankly, hanging up the phone.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now