And So it Happens Again

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"T-that's not what I meant." I shutter. I know it is going to be hard to recover from this one.

"Your fucking boyfriend?" Niall rages. He rushes over to me, getting right in my face. "Did I miss something? Are you two a thing now?" He yells, but I can hear the hurt through his angry words.

"No Niall." I try and take his hand but he snaps it away. "I just saw him and it brought back old memories. I know you are the only one and you should know you are the only one." I explain.

"I don't know what I should know!" He screams. "I thought I knew! I thought that we were together! I thought that we were moving forward with our relationship, with the apartment!"

"You are really bringing up that damn apartment now!" I yell right back. I need to stand up for myself. "You just sprung that on me and I don't need the pressure of the thought of living with you right now!" I say pushing my hair out of my face.

"Fine. I won't bring up the apartment. I won't bring up the fucking apartment ever again! You can't forget about it!" He stalks away. "You can find another place to stay tonight!"

"You are just going to leave me here!" I yell back at him. The tears stream down my cheeks.

"Yes! I am going to leave you here!" He turns back around before walking back over to me. "I knew that from the beginning, getting into a relationship would end in heartbreak. I knew I should have never gotten into it with you, but you pulled me in. And once I got in there was no getting out." I search his eyes for any other emotion but hurt but I know I have scarred him. Niall opened up to me but hurting him is going to close him out. Now I think he has closed the door completely. "Until now."

"No. Niall please." I can't stop the sobs that escape me. "but I love you." I plea.

"I love yo-" But he stops, looking at the ground. "I don't know anything anymore." He turns back around, leaving me there, by myself, without a car and a cart full of groceries. What the hell did I just do? What the hell did I just say? I just lost Niall. Yes, most of the time we are arguing about something but the times that we weren't, the times that we were nysnc together was perfect and I just lost all of that.

I need Liam. I need my brother right now. He is the only one I can talk to. I grab my phone and dial his number.


"I need you to pick me up. I am at Target. I am pretty sure it is the only in town." I sniffle, trying to hold back my tears.

"Fuck. What did he do this time?" I hear the clanging of his keys and he locks the door.

"Can I just explain when you get here?"

"Yeah I will be there in like 5." And with that he hangs up.

I wait a little more than five minutes in front of Target as people pass by, giving me odd looks. I open my phone camera to see my face. My eyes are red and puffy and hair is blown every which way from the wind. I sigh in relief as Liam pulls up with his car. He gets out and helps me put the groceries in the back.

"We won't have any room for all of this at our place." He chuckles. A tinge of guilt runs through me when Liam says 'our place.'

"Well I mean you could take it to Niall's for me." I tell him as we get in the car. "Oh yeah and thanks for not telling me about the apartment."

"Right.." He elongates the 'T'. "I was told not to tell you about any of it. But how did it go? The place is amazing."

I can't hold it in anymore, the tears start up again.

"Oh god what did I say?" Liam panics.

"Niall and I broke up. I called Colton my boyfriend, I told Niall the apartment was too much. I ruined everything Liam and I don't know what to do!" The tears turn into sobs once again

"Hey calm down." His sweet words play through my ears.

"I lost him Liam." I hold back another set of tears as we pull up to Niall's apartment. "Why are we here? He won't see me right now."

"I know he won't see you but we need to get rid of this food. I am going to take it up, maybe say a few words to him." Liam shrugs. He gets out of the car and opens the back, grabing all of the groceries.

"Don't say anything bad to him. This is all my fault."

"Just let me take care of it Charlie." Liam nods at me before shuting the door. I watch from the car as he makes his way up to the door, disappearing inside the building. I sit patiently wondering what is going on in there. I want to think that Liam is in there just dropping off the food and leaving but I know that isn't the case. I should go in there, I need to talk this out with Niall, right? Maybe the break up is good for me? Now I could focus towards school.

I am snapped from my train of thought when there is a loud pounding on the window. I jump, and turn to see Niall next to the car. "Come out here." I hear his muffled voice.

I roll down the window and Niall rolls his eyes. "Hi." I say in a small voice. I look down at my lap as Niall leans into the window. "Come upstairs."

"What?" I snap my head up to look at him. "But I thought-"

"That's still true. I don't know what we are at the moment but I still want you to stay with me. I need to know where you are." He has no emotion in his expression.

"Why would I want to live with someone who hates me?" My voice squeaks a little at the painful words.

"I don't hate you Charlie. I still love you but I just can't do us right now." He sighs.

"I don't think I ca-" But before I can finish, Niall opens the car door, gesturing me to get out. When I don't move, Niall takes my hand and pulls me out of the car. As we walk towards the door Liam comes out.

"Ah! Look at the lovely couple. Again." He sighs.

"No." Niall says sternly. I want to cry again but I can't cry in front of Niall again. I need to seem strong.

"I am just um.. staying here." I try to make it sound less stupid but I can't. "Thank you for the groceries though." I nod at him.

He gives me a sad look like I am a lost puppy, I hate this all so much, "if you need anything ju-"

"Just call." I throw him a fake smile. "Thank you Liam." I give him a small hug before Niall pulls me inside.

"I really am so-"

"Don't" He shakes his head. "You can stay here but that's it."

I nod as we make our way into the apartment. "I can still make breakfast." I tell him.

"Not hungry." Niall says cooly making his way back to the bedroom, and leaving me alone, with the thought of being alone even though he is right in the other room.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now