Life Lessons

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"He said 10 minutes Charlie." Iris sits up on the odd doctors chair. "It's been 15 now." She bits her nails in worry.

"He will be back any min-" Before I can finish the doctor who I now know as Dr. Stephen, walks through the door with a folder in hand.

"It looks like you are indeed pregnant." Dr. Stephen smiles at Iris. "Congratulations."

"Oh my god." Iris's breaths start to quicken, as she clutches her stomach.

"It will be okay." I grab her hand. "I will be here for you and so will Louis. He is a great guy Iris."

"We are going to want to schedule your next appointment. They women at the front desk can take care of that for you." The doctor opens the door and Iris and I leave the cold room.

I take Iris's hand as we make our way to the front desk. "She needs a follow up." Dr. Stephens tell the women's at the front desk.

"Mhm." She nods, typing into her computer. "How does four weeks from today sound?" The women smiles up at Iris. She is still in shock, she just stares down at the desk.

"That's fine." I smile and nod down at her. She prints out a paper and hands it to me.

"Have a nice day!" I nod to her again and take Iris over to Niall.

"Well?" He gets up from his chair.

"I'm pregnant." Iris says, letting out a sob. She starts to shake, sinking down to the ground, holding her knees. The women in the clinic stare over at Iris.

"Niall-" I start but he is already a step ahead of me. He bends down to where Iris is crunched in a ball. He slips one hand under her knees and the other behind her back, picking her up.

"Get the door." He nods and I hold the door open for him as he carries Iris out. I follow him out to the car and open the back door. He gently sets her in the car and I slip in next to her.

"I'll drive." He says shutting the door and getting in the drivers side.

"Where are we going?" I question, stroking Iris's hair to try and comfort her.

"Louis's he is the only one that can help her." Niall pulls out of the parking lot and starts to speed toward Louis's house.

"He can't know! He just can't!" Iris pleas, tears streaming down her face.

"He has to know Iris." I whisper to her. "He loves you and he will be there through it all."

Iris's sobs continue but soften as we reach the house.

"Give me a minute." Niall gets out of the car, stalking toward the house.


"Louis!" I yell as I swing open the front door.

"What's happening mate?" Harry appears from the kitchen.

"Where the hell is Louis?" I question, I need to be nicer to Harry I remind myself.

"He is in his room but-" I cut him off making my way up to his room.

"Louis mate we need to ta-" I say as I open his door. "What the fuck?" Louis paces the room in only his boxers and Liv his at the edge of his bed, with Louis's shirt on.

The anger builds up inside of me. I grab Louis pushing him against the wall. "What the fuck do you think you are doing mate!" I spit in his face.

"Niall this isn't what it looks like." He shakes his head.

"Your girlfriend is sitting out in my car sobbing because she just found out she was pregnant with your baby and you were up here fucking Liv!" I don't know the man the stands in front of me. He isn't the friend I had before. But there is a look of hope is his eyes.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora