Re-kindling a Friendship

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I plop down on the couch ignoring Niall. I switch on the TV, the only good thing on is SpongeBob.

"Why are you watching this crap." Niall sits next to me. He pulls me close but I scoot away. "Are you really going to play this game?" He narrows his eyes at me.

"What game?" I scoot farther away.

"The game where you ignore me until I cave." He moves even closer. I reach the end of the couch and can't move anymore. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to him. "But I am not going to cave Charlie." He leans in whispering in my ear.

"No." I get up from the couch and he chuckles. "I am not letting you do this to me."

"And what might that be?" He spreads his legs out and sprawls his arms along the back of the couch.

"You controlling me! You act like you own me Niall." My frustration builds inside of me. "You can't tell me who I can and can't be friends with!"

"Oh but I can." He stands up getting in my face. "Especially when that 'friend' is Harry! He has wanted you since day one at that party. You know it Charlie. We all know it!" He raises his voice at me.

"I think you should go." I look at the ground.

"You think I should go? This is my hotel room. I am paying for it." He chuckles. "If anyone was to go it would be you."

"Fine." I turn, and stalk towards the bed room. I grab my clothes off the floor and shove them into my suite case, tears brimming in my eyes. I throw on a pair of sweat pants and go back into the living room with my things in hand.

"You aren't leaving here. Not tonight." Niall demands, jaw clenched.

"I am leaving Niall." I head towards the door and he follows close behind. "Seeing that I can't go to my own place maybe I will just go stay with Harry!" I regret the words as they escape my mouth but I can't take them back. Instead I grab the door handle and slam it behind me as I storm out of the room. I take the stairs down to the lobby and find my red beetle sitting out front.

I grab my keys from my bag and unlock the trunk, throwing my suite case inside. I sit inside my car not knowing where to go. I dial the first person that comes to mind.


"Iris." I sigh. "Thank god you answered. Can I stay at your place tonight?"

"Yeah of course. Is everything okay Charlie? It is kind of late."

"Can I just explain when I get to your dorm?"

"Of course. I will be here." I hang up and pull away from the curb. I blast Imagine Dragons a loud as I can to try and drown out my thoughts.

I pull into the parking lot and quickly walk to Iris's dorm room. I knock on the door and she quickly opens it.

"Come in! What happened?"

I sit in her bed with my head in my hands. Luckily Liv isn't here to mock me.

"It's Niall." I sigh.

"Wait what! I told you to stay away from him. We pinkie swore!" She pouts.

"Iris you have seen us together before. You knew we were together."

"I know. I was just hoping it wasn't true." She sighs, sitting on the bed next to me. "And you were dating?" She emphasizes the 'were'.

"I don't know what is going on." I shake my head.

"Do tell. I haven't talked to you in ages!" She hugs me tight.

"He is so controlling! So jealous!" I raise my voice.

"Well I could have told you that." She is so happy all the time and I don't understand it. "Anyway what did he do this time?"

"Harry." I sigh. "He doesn't like that I am friends with Harry."

"Well I get where he is coming from." She nods at the ground.

"What? You are siding with him." My phone rings, Niall's name lights up the screen. I press ignore and look back at Iris.

"Harry is mad for you Charlie! Are you blind?" She laughs a little.

"B-but we agreed on friends?"

"He may have agreed but that doesn't stop his feelings for you Charlie." I can see the guilt for him in her eyes.

"You're right. Maybe we should find him a girlfriend?" I suggest.

She pounders the thought for a minute, "You know that's not actually a bad idea!" She smiles.

My phone rings again, Niall.

"You should probably take that. I don't need to see Niall angry anytime soon." She points at my phone.

"Hello?" I get up from the bed to stand outside Iris's dorm. If Niall is going to blow up on me I don't need Iris hearing it.

"Where are you? Why haven't you been answering my calls?" He actually sounds some what calm.

"I am at Iris's dorm. We were talking." I don't want to cause more trouble than I have already.

"I am coming to get you. We need to talk." And with that he hangs up.

'Oh god.' I think to myself. What have I started? What beast in Niall have I let out? I re-enter the dorm and give Iris a confused look.

"Um, Niall is coming to get me." I say blankly. "So I am going to go wait in the parking lot." I grab my bag from the floor.

"Probably best." She sighs. "You need to make a mends and Liv is on her way back from where ever the hell she was."

"Yup definitely!" I hug her tight. "Thank you so much. We need to hangout again sometime."

"Okay." She smiles before shutting the door. I make my way over to the parking lot and Niall is already standing in front of his car waiting.

He doesn't look mad, but that doesn't mean anything. I slowly walk over to him, when he sees me he stands up a little straighter.

"Are you okay?" He looks worried.

"Wait what?" I set my bag down next to me. "You aren't here to yell at me, throw something?"

"No." He says looking me straight in the eye. "I just want to know that you are okay. I was a dick earlier."

He goes in for a hug but I put my hand out to stop him, "Stop Niall." He looks at me confused. "You have nothing to apologize for. It was me who was in the wrong this time."

"You are?" He sounds shocked.

"Yes!" I laugh a little. "I know how you feel about Harry and I shouldn't have pushed it." I can feel the tears brimming but I am not sure why. "I am sorry Niall."

"Hey" He grabs me and pulls me in close to his chest. "Hey it's okay." He strokes my hair. "Why don't we go back to the hotel. It is late and we are both tired."

"I love you Niall."

"I love you too Charlie."

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now