~When You Go To The Beach~

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Yugi-Yugi was excited when you agreed to go to the beach with him. When he came to pick you up, he commented on how good you looked in your (swimsuit/bikini). After arriving at the beach, you played in the water, which was shallow for you because of Yugi's height. You also buried Yugi under the sand. At the end of the day, you snuggled close, while watching the sunset. What a perfect day!

Yami-You were hesitant to say yes, because last time he pretended to drown, freaking you out. But you did in the end, say yes. Yami then promised to pull no pranks before leaving to go get ready. When he came back, you couldn't help but stare at his muscular figure. Of course, Yami found you equally sexy in you (swimsuit/bikini). After arriving, you noticed girls starring at Yami, while he noticed guys starring at you. So it turns out your beach day ended short. But you did return, once everyone had left, to enjoy the beach while under the vast variety of start above you. Even though it wasn't what you had intended, you had a great time.

Ryou-Even though Ryou didn't want to, he agreed to have a beach day with you. When you arrived, you rushed to the water while Ryou set everything up. Ryou then sat in a chair, watching you play in the water, eventually falling asleep. He then had a nightmare about you being swallowed up in the ocean. "Hey Ryou, I know you said earlier how you didn't want to go in the water, but will you come with me into the water?" "Actually, I think I will join you." Ryou then joined you in the water, making sure you were safe.

Seto-Seto had brought his laptop with him to your beach day, making you frown. "Come on Seto, no technology!" Seto mumbled something before setting his laptop aside. "Let's make a sandcastle!" "I think it's a waste of time." "Fine then, let's go in the water!" "You go ahead." "I though this would be more fun......" You said while heading into the ocean. What you didn't expect was a huge wave to knock you down. Followed by three more waves. When Seto didn't see you come up, he panicked and ran in after you. After bring you back up to the beach, he used CPR to help you regain consciousness. "Seto.....You saved me........." "From now on, no going into the ocean without me!" "Okay...." Seto then agreed to help you built sandcastles, and you had a good rest of the day. Turns out Seto's really good at making sandcastles, who would've guessed?

Joey-"We finally made it to the beach!" "Let's go into the water!" "Wait for me, Joey!" You said while trying to catch up to Joey. Once you were in the water, you realized how cold it was. "I-It's f-freezing....." "Let me warm you up then." Joey then pulled you in for a warm hug. "Better?" "Much better." You two stayed like that for a while, before going back to the sand to enjoy the rest of your beach day.

Atem-Now for you, going to the lake was your beach since there was so much sand around you. But nevertheless, you enjoyed every trip to your, "Beach." "Hey (y/n), wish to make sand pyramids?" "Sure." So together, you made the biggest sand pyramids the world had ever seen.

Marik-You and Marik were both excited to go to the beach. After you arrived, you built tiny sand castles. Of course, Marik got mad at the ocean, saying it had washed away the sand castles on purpose. You laughed at this. Afterwards, you swam, enjoying playing in the waves. At the end of the day, Marik and you went on a peaceful walk, enjoying the sunset before heading home.

Bakura-"Bakura, want to come to the beach with me?" "No thanks." "Fine. Guess you'll never be able to see my in my new (Favorite color) bikini....." "On second thought, I think I'll come." " Knew you'd see it my way." At the beach, Bakura was very protective not letting any guy talk, look, or even think about you. Nevertheless, you had fun playing in the water and making sand millennium items.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if you didn't. Feel free to request any character or scenario. When I finish Yu-Gi-Oh Gx, these are the characters I plan to add:








And that's all for now. If there's any other character you're wanting me to add, please tell me! But I will NOT do Chummly! That's all for now. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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