~When You Beat Him In A Game~

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Yugi-You had challenged Yugi to a duel, mainly to see if you had improved at the game. Though, to your shock, you beat Yugi. Yugi seemed shocked as well. "Nice game (y/n), you beat me." "Does this mean I'm the new Queen of Games?" "I believe so, congrats!" "Thanks. But I won't take the title unless you're my king." "Very well then. I'd be honored to be your king." You two then shared a passionate kiss. "Well, what now?" "Rematch?" "You're on!"

Yami-You were both at a local pool, enjoying the water. "Hey (y/n), want to play a game?" "Sure, what game?" "We'll have someone throw five rings into the pool. First one to get three wins." "Sounds like fun. Let's do it!" So you had someone throw five rings into the pool. Now you both had two, each only needing one more to win. That's when you grabbed it, winning the game. "I win!" "Good job (y/n)!" "Shall we do that again? That was fun, beating you at your own game!" "Sure, we'll play for as long as you want. But next time, I won't lose." "Yay! I'll show you who's boss!" So you two played the game to your heart's content.

Ryou-"Want to have a contest?" "What kind of contest?" "A cooking contest. Sound like fun?" "Sure!" You had Yugi be the judge, since he's an amazing cook. "It's close, but I believe I'd have to go with (y/n)'s (Meal)." "Yes! I win!" "Mind giving me the recipe you used? I'd love to cook this for myself." "Sure Yugi." "Thanks (y/n)." "So, Sweetie, what do you wish to do now?" "Maybe watch a movie?" Sure!" So Yugi left, and you two watched a movie.

Seto-You and Seto were playing some random video game with Mokuba. Though you didn't realized Mokuba had left, leaving you two playing a child's video game. "I'm going to destroy you!" "Not if I have anything to say about it!" You then beat Seto. "How could I lose?" Because, I'm just that awesome!" "Yes, you are awesome." Seto then pulled you in for a kiss. "Even though you are awesome, this time, I'm going to beat you. You want to know why?" "Enlighten me." "Because I'm Seto Kaiba!" "Let's just do this!" And you both gave it your all. In the end, you won again. "Awesomeness wins again!"

Joey-"Hey Babe, want to have a singing contest?" "Sure!" So you had Yugi, Yami, and Ryou come as judges. Of course, Joey sang his signature song, "Brooklyn Rage." Meanwhile, you sang (Favorite Song). Yugi voted for you while Ryou voted for Joey. Now it was up to Yami to decide the winner. "I think I'll pick...(y/n)." "I won!" "Great job Babe!" "Thanks! Want to do it again?" "Sure!" SO you both had contest, after contest, until finally, your judges left. "Who needs judges? We can do this by ourselves!" So you continued to sing till you were both exhausted and went to bed.

Atem-Ever since Atem had given you (Pet's Name), you had loved horse riding. So one day, you decided to challenge Atem to a performance contest. He accepted. You had four judged judge both of your skills with your horses. In the end, you won. "Congrats (y/n), you did amazing!" "Thanks. You were pretty amazing yourself." "Thanks, want to go for a horse ride?" "I'd love that!" On your horse ride, you had a race, which you won. Today just isn't Atem's lucky day. Unless, he let you win...

Marik-"Want to play a game?" "Which game?" "It's simple, we just see who can balance on one foot the longest." "Why would I waste my time doing something so ridiculous?" "Just do it, for me!" Marik sighed. "Fine, just one round." In the end, you won. "Thanks for playing. I'll leave you alone now." "Wait, I want a rematch!" "I had a feeling you'd say that. Let's do this!"

Bakura-You and Bakura were having a competition to see who could send the most people to the shadow realm. In the end, you somehow won. "How the bloody hell did you win!?!" "No idea. But I'll take a kiss as a reward." "As you wish." Bakura then kissed you. You kissed back. What a great way to end an evening of destroying people's lives.

Malik-You were having a competition to see who could make someone scream the loudest. Somehow, you won. "Yay!" "How...." That, Malik would never know, and neither would you.

Hope you enjoyed. If not, I'm sorry. Remember, you're welcome to request any character or scenario(s) you want. I'm about ten episodes away from finishing Yu-Gi-Oh Gx, so that should be finished in about one to three weeks, just depending on how busy I am. Later my fellow readers! =^-^= 

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