Bad Memories

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The next day, I went with Stiles to the station to talk to his dad.

Apparently, Stiles and Lydia came running out of Eichen yesterday, spotting us on the ground. Luckily, they got us into the car and drove away from the Dread Doctors.

"Chimeras." Stiles dad said as he wrote a large red X over Tracy's picture. "Two dead Chimeras."

Stiles nodded. "And eight new ones." Last night, the police had found 8 newly dug holes in the middle of the lacrosse field. "So, that's 10 in all." I confirmed.

Stilinski shook his head. "I'm thinking maybe 11." He pinned a picture to the board.
I bit my lip as he moved away, reveling the face. Donovan.

"Our station tech guys confirmed something for me. They said, both the holding cell lock and cameras could have malfunctioned because of something electromagnetic."

He picked up a copy of the Dread Doctor book off the desk. "You said that, uh these guys." I nodded. "Dread Doctors."

He sighed. "Are we really calling them that?" I nodded, crossing my arms. "What else are we going to call them?"

He nodded slightly as I stepped forward. "So they broke Donovan out?"

Sheriff shrugged. "That's how they got into Eichen, isn't it?" I couldn't help but feel guilty.

We were talking about this kid as if he was still alive, little did anyone else know he was dead. Who knows how the rest of the group would take it if we told them.

I sighed, glancing at Stiles, who held a worried expression. "Donovan's a Chimera." I said, walking towards the board.

"Yeah." Stilinski sighed. "But is he a failure like Lucas and Tracy?" I shrugged. "If he is, he's probably dead."

Stilinski shook his head. "Not until i've seen a body." I nodded as he turned around, eyeing Stiles. "You're uncharacteristically quiet."

"Yeah..Sorry. I'm uh..I'm just trying to think about it. Uh..These are all teenagers, right?" So, now shouldn't we be trying to figure out why these teenagers? If the Dread Doctors, if they went through all that...Burying them, killing them, breaking one of them out of jail." Stiles trailed off, looking down at his feet.

Stilinski nodded. "They couldn't have been chosen at random. They had to have something in common." He continued as I crossed my arms. "Something that made them right for this experiment. Something that made them special." He finished before glancing at us.

Later on, I met up with Theo and Scott outside the school, during my free period. Since realizing all the chimeras so far were teenagers, what better place to look than the high school.

"So, basically we're looking for abnormal behavior?" Theo questioned as I nodded. "Anyone acting a little off or a little weird."

"Isn't everyone a little weird in high school?" Theo chuckled as Scott smiled. "Yeah, good point."

"You remember Tracy went on a killing spree after reading that?" Theo stated as we walked down the stairs.

"You think it's a bad idea?" Theo slightly nodded. "I think Malia almost getting run down by a car could've been bad." He said as we got to the bottom of the steps. "Well, that's why you guys haven't finished it right?"v

"To be honest, I haven't even started." I admitted as Scott sighed. "We're going to."

"Scott, I came here hoping to find a pack. I wasn't planning on watching one fall apart."

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "The book's all we've got." Theo nodded. "Then i'll read it too."

The Dread Doctors by T.R McCammon, definitely not a classic. I hated reading to begin with, but reading a book that could possibly cause horrible hallucinations? No thanks. Especially after Malia's encounter with it, I'd prefer to skip this particular reading.

Hiraeth //S.S.// ➸ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now