2| Lycan Pack

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Word count: 4567
A little twist on rogue stories... I hope you like it;)

Lycan Pack: Alpha Parker

Shay's POV

"Are you sure you got everything?" My father asks for the hundredth time as we park in the parking lot.

"Yes, I'm sure," I groan in annoyance.









"Tampons?" My mom asks from the front seat.

"Oh gross!" My dad yells, while jumping out of the car as fast as he can. I laugh getting out of the car and laugh even harder when I see him grabbing my bag out of the trunk with a look of disgust on his face. I faintly hear my mom say from her seat, "It is Mother Nature. Grow up."

"Well, I would like it if Mother Nature stayed away from my baby." My dad responds, having heard thanks to his wolf hearing.

"Right dad, I have yet to go through puberty at the age of eighteen. I was just born with these," I say grabbing my boobs.

He growls angrily in response which makes me laugh. I've gotten used to his protective habits over me since I was born, but I live for the moments I can torment my dad just like this. If my dad has one weakness, it's me.

"Bob, calm down, will you."

Apparently when you go into hiding as a rogue it's a good idea to change your name, so my parents decided to be lame and choose the most boring names ever: Bob and Mary.

"Our baby is leaving us!" My mom cries out as she nearly tackles me. I almost fall under the impact of her body crashing into mine, but my dad catches me. As expected, he joins in on the hug too, and I'm fairly certain he sheds some tears along with my mom.

"I have to go guys, or I'm going to miss the bus." I try prying myself off of them, but they don't budge. "Dad, a wolf!" I scream making my dad and mom let go of me. They turn around frantically sniffing the air.

"Well see ya guys!" I yell to them as I run away, suitcase in hand.

"Shay! That's not funny!" My dad runs after me, soon catching up and throwing me over his shoulder.

My dad puts me down and grabs me by the shoulders. "You know what to do if you are around another wolf though right?" He asks, all amusement gone.

"Yes. I run like hell," I say with a smirk.

"That's my girl." He says, crushing me into another hug. We finally say our goodbyes, and I head to the waiting bus.

I sit down next to my friend Piper near the back of the bus. "Hi!"

"Hey," I reply and give her a side hug.

"Ready for camp?" Thankfully my friends and I managed to find a camp that was open to teenagers, even though we just graduated.

As the bus starts to pull away, we all hang out the windows waving goodbye to our parents. My mom, being my mom, runs next to the bus and screams at the top of her lungs, making sure my dad and everyone else can hear, "Did you remember your birth control?"

My dad stops running behind my mom and screams, "WHAT?" He yells so loud the people next to him coward away in fear.

"Yeah, mom I did! They're in my suitcase with the condoms!" I yell back, trying hard not to laugh. After I see my dad start to run towards the bus, I jump back into the bus and yell for the bus driver to step on it.

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