18| Lycan Pack

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Things are finally starting to pick up...;)
Read the important message at the bottom please!

"You remember Ivy right?" Ash asks sheepishly. He's still embarrassed by the kiss.

"Can I have a glass of wine babe? I've had a long day." Ivy looks up to Ash with an innocent smile. He immediately obliges and leaves the room.

She turns to me, all signs of amusement gone from her facial expressions. "Why are you here?" Her eyes turn a dull blue, slowly shifting from blue to green to yellow.

My voice and brain are neither strong enough to form coherent words. In a second her thin fingers are wrapped around my throat. Her eyes are a bright yellow, flashing a warning sign to me. Her fingers tighten closing off my airways and making me gasping for breath. I claw at her hand desperately as she slowly lifts me off the floor. "Stay the hell away from my mate," she seethes before quickly letting me go when we hear Ash coming closer.

A wide grin spreads across her face as she accepts the glass of wine from Ash. He's too preoccupied with his mate to notice me gasping for air and the tears running down my cheeks. I hastily rub my face and take deep calming breaths after Ivy shoots me a piercing glare from behind her glass. The same time Ash turns to me I'm placing the last strand of my hair over my neck covering any bruises.

"Maybe you can stay for a bit Shay, you did cook all the food anyways. I think it's only right that you have a taste of your own creation," Ash says to me with a warm smile. An arm is wrapped around his mates waist close to his side and very low making it clear that he doesn't actually want me to stay.

"She was actually," Ivy looks back to me with blue eyes and a malice smile, "just saying she had to go back home."

One pointed look from Ivy and I know I should get the hell out of there. "It's getting dark out and I shouldn't be outside at night alone, besides you two should enjoy your dinner alone."

I run out the door before I can hear a reply from Ash. My feet clash against the dirt of the woods and tears stream down my face. I hear the roar of an engine behind me on the road. In case it's Parker I speed up pumping my legs faster so I can jump in bed before he can see my neck. If there are any bruises encased around my neck then I know he will kill whoever did it, even if they were my best friends mate.

I need to sit down and think about what just happened before I can tell anyone. Ivy didn't seem to care that I was her Alpha's mate or Ash's friend, she honestly look like she would've killed me.

Within a couple minutes I'm flying up the stairs in the mansion, rushing into the bathroom and almost running face first into the mirror.

Relief rushes through me when I don't see any bruises or marks around my neck. I expected there to be some but the claw marks already healed and I suppose she didn't hold long enough to cause bruising.

I'm too caught up in thoughts about Ivy and Ash that I don't see the pile of shattered mirror pieces flown in front of the dresser. I yelp in pain and hobble over to the bed. A large shard of glass cut the bottom of my foot all the way from one end to the other causing blood to gush onto the bed. Blood trickles out of the bottom of my other foot from multiple tiny specs of glass.

I hear several rushed footsteps coming towards me down the hall. I turn just in time to see Parker sprint through the open door with Evan and two unfamiliar men on his heels.

"Are you okay?" Parker runs over to me without stopping to see the blood around my feet. The bed is so tall that my feet dangle off causing the blood to drip soundlessly onto the carpet.

His eyes rake over my body frantically before finally landing on my bloody feet.

"Let me take a look," he says gently, carefully picking up my foot. The pain is so incredible I want nothing more than to scream out but I bite back my tongue. Luna's are supposed to be strong. "It's not healing . . . Why isn't it healing?"

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