28| Lycan Pack

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Lycan Pack: Alpha Parker

Parker's POV

I stood at the edge of the porch, leaning my back against the large oak tree that stood as a column. I looked up at the vast house that I had called home my entire life.

It's tradition in my pack for an Alpha to live out his life in this very house until he passes the title down to his son, then he can build his own home for his mate and him to spend the rest of their days in. Of course when the tradition started our pack was much smaller and they all lived in the mansion with the Alpha. Now there is no possible way for the hundreds of pack members to fit in it comfortably, leaving it to be a lot more lonely than it should be.

It's been a couple days since the humans had left and I was more than excited to have the house to myself with my mate. But then I realized that even with Shay being in the same house as I it felt like we were across town from each other.

A blue Cadillac pulls up to the drive way. I give it one glance before looking back at my house.

The car door slams as I begin to think. I feel him approach but I don't acknowledge him.

"You're not going to even say hello," Alpha Ryan asks as he comes to stand by my side. "How rude. Maybe I should declare war on you."

"Do you think I should build my mate and I a new home," I ask my best friend. "Do you think she would like that? A smaller one, tucked into the woods to give us more privacy?"

Ryan chuckles, shaking his head. It's been a while since I've seen him, a couple months. With both of us becoming Alpha's we've had to put our friendship at the bottom of our priorities but it's still there, hence why he's here.

"I wouldn't know Parker, I haven't met the unfortunate lady that has to call you her mate."

I glare at him and lightly punch his shoulder. "It's good to see you Ryan."

"Anytime," he says, enveloping me in a hug. It doesn't last long before we pull apart.

"You smell like Asena," I say with a knowing smile. "Do you have anything to tell me?"

He rolls his eyes, looking a little distraught. "Nothing new in that department.  We spend a lot of time together though. That explains her scent being all over me."

"You know maybe she would reciprocate your feelings if you let her know that you have feelings in the first place."

"Hey stop giving me crap! Didn't you call me over here to talk about your mate, not mine?"

I nod my head, not bothering in telling him that Asena isn't his mate. He knows that unfortunately. I know my best friend is being reckless, falling in love with a girl who isn't his mate, but I can't dictate what he does. I can't really judge either.

I just hope he finds his mate before she finds hers, or else Ryan will act out like he always does when something doesn't go his way.

"Come inside to my office. She's taking a walk right now but she'll be here soon. I'll fill you in in the meantime."


"I don't believe it," Ryan whispers, shaking his head. "How is that possible?"

"That's the question I've been asking ever since I found out."

"Her coat is really red," he asks amazed.

"Bright red," I explain, "like blood."

He shakes his head in wonder. "And she can move things without even touching them?"

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