29| Rogue/Summit Pack

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Something new and fresh;) also Octavian has been added to the Characters Part 2 chapter


Calix's POV

I watch as Octavian approaches me, pushing tree branches aside and stepping over a log.

"Wow," he exclaims as he stands before me. "I left you here alone three weeks ago and you haven't died yet. Congratulations."

I glare at the man before me but I really shouldn't. He found me a couple days after I ran from Ronan and his pack. A couple days after Ronan turned me into him. A couple days after Cora went missing and Ronan wanted to blame me.

Octavian saved my life. He took me back to his place with his friends, or as he calls them, teammates, and helped me through my transformation.

If it weren't for him I wouldn't have survived my first shift . . . then my second, and third, and forth and so on. For an entire day he sat down with me and made me shift over and over and over again until it didn't hurt as bad.

Then he drove me to the middle of the woods and kicked me out of his car, saying he would be back in three weeks. I nearly killed him when he drove off but I'm not as fast as I want to be yet. My temper however has been off the walls ever since I've shifted which Octavian says is normal. I don't know how to control the animal in me yet. I don't know if I ever will.

"Please tell me you're taking me to get food. I've been eating rabbits and squirrels for the past three weeks."

"You managed to catch rabbits," he asked surprised. "Wow, you really are something. That took me three months to manage. But the answer to your question is no, not yet. I'm taking you to the next stage of your training."

I bared my teeth at him, taking a threatening step in his direction. One flash of his bright blue eyes and snarl from him made me backing up in absolute fear.

His eyes went back to their normal brown as a smile spread across his lips. "Good job. You're learning."

I bowed my head since he was the leader, the Alpha. "What is the next step of my training?"

"Meeting an Alpha."

I lifted my head to look at him in confusion. "But aren't you an Alpha? Your eyes . . ."

He shook his head, looking disappointed. "You're not getting it Calix. Blue eyes tell you that one is from direct Alpha lineage, meaning a child or sibling of one. It does not necessarily mean one has an Alpha title. Besides," he chuckled, "if I was an Alpha would I be a rogue?"

"Well then who are we meeting," I asked curiously, hoping it wasn't Ronan. He didn't know that I came from his pack, sort of at least. I knew Ronan was coming after me since Cora went missing. I knew he blamed me and he wanted me dead. I was lucky enough to escape his lands with my body still intact. Of course though since turned me my body was a little different.

If people knew where I came from then that could possibly lead Ronan straight to me. I didn't want to lose my life when I just got a new one, no matter how tough it's looking to be.

"You'll see," he said with a mischievous smile.

"You'll see," he said with a mischievous smile

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