Explanation and Advice

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First I would like to offer my deepest apologies, to you all as readers, the ones that have stuck around since the first chapter went up, to the readers that have only recently found this book and everyone in between. I also need to apologize to myself. 

I started my account on this website when I was a freshman in high school and I can tell you with utmost certainty, that this website helped me every single day. It helped me become the person I am, it helped me smile, it helped my confidence when I needed it most, and it helped me strive to be the best version of my self possible. I had suddenly found something that not only I wanted to do for the rest of my life, and something that made me happy, but something I was good at it. 

For four/three years I would come home from school and write, I would skip school to write, I would skip family gatherings, friends hangouts, dates, assignments, concerts, anything and everything to write. And this book, was through it all with me. It was always my favorite, it always meant the most for me for the parts of my life that I couldn't quite understand that had found themselves on the pages of this story. I had rewritten this story three times, planned five books total, spent hours on a single chapter. 

However, as much as i loved this book, and this website, I had to meet the real world eventually. I graduated highschool and got on a plane two weeks later to go to europe with my best friend. For the first time ever, my life was more interesting than anything I could write. I wanted to go home and write about everything I experienced (it was a lottttt, I had never been on my own before) but there was a part of me that 1. wanted to keep it sacred to me. and 2. was ashamed of what people would think. (I did a lot of grown up things). 

It was then that I took a break from writing, kind of involuntarily, because I was at an age where I was actually experiencing a lot of things I had written about and I realized that what I wrote, was not realistic. 

Long story short, I had to grow up and focus on other things than just writing, such as work, friends, money, school, and boyfriends.  (UGH) 

To say having a boyfriend was a slap in the face of realistic experiences would be an understatement. It's been four years since I graduated highschool and I've learned a lot of life lessons, especially that I don't need to turn to paper and pen in order to escape the world. Sometimes, its best to face it head on. 

That being said. . . I miss writing. 

I am in the best relationship ever, with a man I want to spend the rest of my life with. (little story: we met when I was 16 in high school and he really liked me but i wanted to spend my time writing vs having a hot older boyfriend. He then went off to the army but tried to keep in contact with me, hoping I would give him a chance. Five years later and going through a crappy breakup with a boy who didn't care for me, I turned to the boy from high school, hoping that someone still gave a crap. Surprise, not only did he still care deeply for me but he was coming in one month. Through a lot of persuasion we started dating and here we are, almost a year later.) He inspired to me to get back into writing, knowing that I've always loved it. 


I want to keep writing this story, question is:

1. Should I finish it and publish it through a publisher? 

2. Or switch it to another site like Patreon to finish it? 

3. Leave it alone and not touch it and start a new project? 

Love ya all! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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