26| Lycan Pack

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Lycan Pack: Alpha Parker

Shay's POV

When I open my eyes again I'm alone in a bedroom. The walls are a clean white covered with posters of all kinds. Mostly music and some sports teams, mostly football that I can tell.

The furniture is covered in stickers, so many that I can't tell where on ends and the other begins. Trophy's and picture frames are covering shelves that are hanging over a clean desk.

One sniff and I finally realize where I am. Parker's childhood bedroom.

The familiar scent of him brings me to tears. I remember what happened only yesterday. My confession or more like pleads then his sudden departure with the heartbreaking words, "I can't."

My wolf and I know that this is the last time we'll smell his scent, I won't stay long enough to listen to his words that will tear me in two. I will leave on my own will, I refuse to be kicked out and humiliated. If I leave on my own, even without saying goodbye to Parker then I know it will hurt less in the long run.

I take in my surroundings, soaking up everything. It's funny, I didn't even know Parker liked football or listened to music. He seems too interested in his duty and me to seem like he cares about anything else. But I suppose he doesn't care for me anymore so why should it matter.

I walk around his room that he probably spent all his time in. I trace my fingers over the football trophies and stop when I come to a track and field trophy. I think that's the only thing we have in common and he didn't even tell me.

I look up to all the picture frames that are crowded with people. Mostly his parents and him, then him, Dylan, and Ash. I even see Evan in one of them crowded around with a bunch of boys. All of the frames look perfectly in place except for one. One is hidden in the back behind all the others and it's faced down.

Curious, I pick it up to find a picture torn in half. The only remaining half is a younger version of Parker. His hair is shorter and his body looks leaner. Instead of wearing a plain colored shirt like he usually does he's wearing a striped blue and white polo.

Even though he looks slightly different and one of his arms is missing from the picture I still want to keep it. I fold it up nicely and tuck it into the back of my jean shorts.

My stomach rumbles loudly from hunger. I haven't eaten in four days, I'm surprised I'm even standing at the moment but I do feel weak.

Before I leave the room to head towards the kitchen I spot a stack of girls clothes piled onto the corner of the dresser. I remind myself to thank either Eve or Jacob for bringing me a clean pair of clothes. Wearing the same clothes more than one day in a row is disgusting for me, especially when it's four days.

I really don't want to go downstairs and see Parker's parent's while I look like I do. My hair is greasy and my body smells from not showering for so long. Luckily there's a bathroom attached to Parker's bedroom so I quickly hop in and out of the shower, leaving no leisure time because my stomach is now shaking the whole house.

"Oh good morning," says Eve with a bright smile once I walk into the kitchen. Which was hard to find since this house is just as big as Parker's.

"Good morning," I reply, not really feeling as happy as she is.

"I made you some sausage and eggs for breakfast, you need to get your protein back," she says turning back to the counter.

"That sounds delicious, thank you." I take a seat at the stool in front of the island counter.

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