49| Phoenix Pack

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MATURE CONTENT (not the good kind)

I would like to take this day to say how thankful I am for every single one of you and for Wattpad. You guys have no idea how happy you make me. This website gives me a break from the real world that I so desperately need and it makes me feel amazing, knowing I'm good at something that no one else in my life is lmao😂



It's funny how something so big could change so much after only fourteen years. The once white painted window panels are now hanging off their hinges and covered in dirt and grime from snow and rain over the years. The upstairs window that was attached to my baby sister's bedroom is now shattered leaving only ragged curtains blowing in the wind. The blue paint that my father spent weeks covering the house with is now chipped and worn off in most places.

I guess no one wants to buy a house that people were raped and killed in so the house has stayed vacant for some time now.

Hesitantly I take the few short feet to the front porch feeling the same fear I had the day they came wash over me.


The sound of a scream wakes me up in the middle of the night. Frightened I look around my small room that's covered in toys, clothes, and more toys. Someone screams again from down the hallway piking my curiosity.

Hesitantly I get up from my bed and practically jump five feet when I hear a loud crash from downstairs followed by another scream, but this one is different. It's as if it gets cut off half way through, ending abruptly.

Slowly I open my door, first noticing the picture frames of my family on the wall are crooked and some have even fallen to the ground and shattered. Curiously I step forward to investigate the mess in my superhero pajamas careful to avoid the shards of glass. Then the scream comes again from my twin sisters' bedroom down the hall.

Frightened and interested I cautiously walk towards to their bedroom noticing the door is half off its hinges and claw marks running down the length of it, looking like a beast tore through it.

Once I step inside the room and turn the corner of the small corner that holds the door I see something that at my young age I didn't understand. Two big figures, men, are laying on my sisters beds, one on each of them.

Lita, the youngest of the two, but the sweetest, is crying hysterically with her eyes screwed shut as the man above her moves his body against her. Her crying is like nothing I've ever witnessed before, it's full of pain and anguish, more so than anything I've heard from her. She flails and twists her body under the man's grip frantically.

Confused I turn to the other bed seeing my other sister Nora lying still underneath the stranger who is moving similar to the other man. Her face is facing me, but she shows no sign of recognition, her eyes stay open and unblinking, her mouth doesn't move to scream in pain like Lita's. Blood is covering Nora's bed sheets, catching my full attention. Scared I turn to Lita who still has her eyes squeezed shut and see blood trickling down her forehead.

Another crash comes from downstairs shocking me back into focus. I think about running to get my parents, but I know there's no time, I have to stop the men now because whatever their doing, they're hurting my sisters.

I search the room frantically for something to hit the men with while trying to ignore the sounds coming out of their mouths. It's the same sound my Dad makes when he has to carry something heavy around the house. I spot Nora's lacrosse stick and quietly pick it up so the men won't notice I'm there. All in one swift movement I swing the stick into the man's head that is covering Lita.

The War of the Alphas: Book 1 of the Wolf Rising SagaWhere stories live. Discover now