9| Lycan Pack

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Word count: 3192

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Lycan Pack: Alpha Parker

Shays POV

I've felt him every meal that he shows at which are all the dinners and most of the breakfasts but only a few lunches. I suppose he's working through lunch.

He walks behind me to get to his chair. When he stands behind his chair I notice someone following him. He takes the seat across from me. I've seen him a few times during dinner sitting in that exact spot but I have no clue who he is. I can feel the power coming off of him.

I turn my eyes back to Parker because I can't help it. He has a smile on his face and his eyes are looking adoringly at me. He must think that I've forgave him.

He takes the seat at the head of the table next to me all while looking at me. Eventually I have to break contact because I can feel my wolf wanting him.

"Shay." He says quietly. I can hear the satisfaction in his voice. "You've decided to sit next to us finally."

I decide to keep staring down at my food. "Well I didn't have a choice, my friends booted me out." I mutter. I don't want him to think this is an invitation.

I sneak a peek at him to see him frowning. "Why would they do that?" I can't tell if he feels bad or if he's angry.

I think about telling him why I think Jane is mad at me. But I honestly don't know why she is. She can't be mad at me for hanging around Ash. She said she wants me to be with him even though I never will be. She also can't be mad at me for getting Parker's attention because she wouldn't want me sitting closer to him.

I look down the row of people to see Jane giving me the stink eye. She is openly glaring at me.

What the hell?

"I have no idea." I turn back to Parker with a small smile on my face. I can't find myself to care that Jane is mad at me. It's not the first time that she's been mad at me. She usually gets over it within days, sometimes hours.

"Well you're welcome to sit here anytime you want." Parker smiles at me. My wolf is happy seeing him happy. Every time I steal glances towards him at meals he never looks happy. My wolf tells me we're the cause of his mood change. I don't disagree with her.

"Thank you." I timidly say looking back to my plate. I eat a few bites of whatever Ash put on my plate. I look up to see the man sitting across from me. Now that I can see him better I realize it's Dylan, Parker's Beta. The one that almost killed me before Dylan found me.

By instinct I gasp and hold on to Ash's arm. I would have grabbed Parker's hand but it wasn't close enough.

After Parker growls Ash pries my fingers off his bicep. "Shay, it's okay. He's not Dylan." Ash calmly tells me.

I snap my head towards Ash. "What? He's-" I look back at the Dylan look alike in front of me. He has long brown hair that reaches his shoulders and a pointed jaw line like Dylan. When I did see Dylan I guess I didn't took too much into the specifics.

"I'm Evan." He smiles at me.

Okay, definitely not Dylan.

"Are you twins?" I ask stupidly.

He laughs which is a nice surprise. Something Dylan would definitely not do. "No actually we're not. He's my cousin. Our dads are twins."

I look around the room for Dylan. If his cousin is here than he must be here too. Maybe this is his seat... oh god he'll be pissed if I'm taking his seat.

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