51| Lycan Pack

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Lycan Pack: Alpha Parker

Shay's POV

Incase you forgot... Shay's mom was murdered by Octavian: The Alpha of the Rogues (zelus's brother) she ran away, Milo found her in his childhood home where his entire family was killed and he was kidnapped years before.

Zelus is a cheater, Asena feels the bond with Ryan her best friend who marked her, Ryan found his mate and locked her up in prison.

Ronan sent his pack member out to find Calix so he could help find Cora who was taken by a "monster" months before. Ronan's mom killed her self. He's trying to train his pack so they can protect themselves when another pack finds them.

I think that's all! Enjoy!

It was all a blur to me.

For a day I ran, not having a destination or a direction. I would notice the way ice seemed to follow me, even in the warm temperatures. I thought I was going insane for a while, but I couldn't deny that it made sense.

A warlock saved my life. His blood is in my veins, his magic is in me. That can't happen without consequences.

I found an abandoned house miles away from civilization late one night. For hours I tried to figure out what was wrong with me. With a single touch I could turn anything into ice, and with every object I touched it became easier and stronger. My panic rose to ultimate heights, and that's when he found me.

The werewolf with a scar running down his face.

He stares at me now from across the kitchen counter. He doesn't think I notice the way his eyes follow my hand as I lift the spoon to my mouth, filling it with soup and noodles. As I have for the past ten minutes I ignore him. My plan is to eat the food he has brought with him, and then be on my way again. I'll find another secluded area and practice my new found . . . powers.

"Is it cold," he asks finally.

I swallow the pieces in my mouth. "No," I admit, even though the spoon is frozen in ice. I don't tell him though that I can't feel the cold. The noodles could be frozen in my mouth and I would think they were normal temperature.

It's funny how in the mere hours that I've known about this part of me, I've already learned so much.

The man with the scar sits back in his seat, observing me, analyzing me. I don't like it. I set the spoon down and push my chair out, standing to my normal height.

"I should be going now," I tell him, giving him my back. By the time I reach the threshold of the kitchen door he's right behind my back. I can feel his breath on my neck, threatening me to move.

"Be careful," he speaks softly, taking a step back. His actions take me by surprise. I was expecting him to attack me, force me to do something I didn't want to. "It's a dangerous world out there."

My thoughts instantly travel to Octavian, the Alpha of the Rogues who killed my mother. As my heart beat increases in anger, I look down to see my fingertips turning blue. I clench my hands into fists, hiding them from the stranger.

"Before I go," I say harshly, "I want you to tell me something."

The man pauses before answering. "I can't guarantee an answer you want."

"Do you know of the Alpha of the Rouges? Octavian? Don't tell me you don't. I know you're a rogue, you look like one."

The man chuckles, not darkly or dryly. He honestly thinks what I just said was funny. I turn around to face him, taking in his dark clothing, long scar, and tattoos.

"I've heard of him. I can't say I know much about him. Why?"

"He killed my mother," I sneer. "So I'm going to kill him."

It's a new thought to me, not one that passed through before I spoke it. But once I said it, I loved the idea. My wolf inside howled her agreement. My heart surged with power that has been lost since my mother passed. Power that has never existed before now.

The man doesn't speak for quite some time. His eyes analyze me as his mind whirls with ideas. Finally he speaks. "That sounds like a dangerous mission, especially for a Luna."

My eyes go wide in shock. "How did you know?"

He cocks his head to the side, one eye brow lifted. "It's obvious. The mark, the way you smell, even in the way you walk. Any wolf can tell."

I back up, my feet trying to find the door on their own. "I should be going."

"You should," he answers. "And a little advice Luna? I know what it's like to lose someone you love, especially family. The pain you feel? Don't let it control you. It will eat you if you give it that chance. You have to wield it into a sword, a weapon. Then you can fight Octavian."

His words sink in for a moment before I run from the house. The longer I stay around him the more danger I put myself in. I have to remember that my parents kept me hidden for a reason.


By the time I reach the borders of my own pack it's early in the morning. The air is wet with fresh dew, the birds are singing, and the sun shines her smile down upon everything. It looks perfect, like a paradise, but I don't let the illusion fool me.

Blood soaks the dark corners of this pack, the shadows hiding from the sun's smile.

A wolf of mine greets me with a bow to her hind legs. Normally I would feel uncomfortable with the action, but the last thing my mom taught me was to be a strong Luna or not be one at all. I straighten my shoulders with my chin up. As I pass the middle aged wolf I reach my hand out, laying it upon her head. I continue walking after a couple seconds, but I feel the bond between us two surge.

It still feels weird to me that I can feel a bond with every member of the pack. My Mom told me that great Luna's have a strong bond with every member, but it takes a lot of patience and time to succeed in that.

Wolf after wolf, in human and fur skin peak out from behind the trees I pass. They seem to be coming from every direction, the word spreading fast that I've arrived. I make sure to greet every wolf I see, whether they're bowing to me or not.

I'm still a mile away from my house when I see Parker for the first time. He runs at me at top speed, dodging our members that stand between us. Once he reaches me he doesn't bother saying hello or even slowing down. He picks me up in his strong arms and twirls me around.

"Don't scare me like that again," he whispers in my ear. "I was terrified."

I pull away slightly, cupping his face in my hands. "I'm home now, and we have a lot to discuss. Where is my father?"

I know it's been forever but I won't leave again! Work just got crazy busy during the holidays

The War of the Alphas: Book 1 of the Wolf Rising SagaWhere stories live. Discover now