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it had been such a rush: hand in hand, pelting through the streets, following the dazzling lights in the distance. baekhyun's lips whispered promises, and roma's cheeks blushed a deep red, sparks running down her spine, the touch of his hand on hers not enough.

their exclamations still echoed in her mind, as they'd sprinted frantically, cutting corners, within the tight restraints of the twisting alleyways, memories burning pleasantly forever.

his white shirt had hung open in the light wind, revealing his shining, tanned skin, muscles prominent, in juxtaposition to the noir of the new morning. the dark still screamed night, though, the dulled motion proving their vulnerability. roma had felt the excitement overtake her nerves, her blood pumping, watching as his beautiful smile shone brighter than the opaque moon hanging amidst the millions of stars.

car horns blaring, headlights warning them, as they ignored the traffic and the city noise, running across the roads and thundering along the pavements. strong desire, beating hearts. roma followed him; entrusting him. with everything.

the hotel, as they entered, looked cheap, located in a more discrete part of the inner-city maze. roma would have been unsure; would have clutched baekhyun's hand, expecting his protective nature to take control. but her mind was consumed by thoughts and suggestive stares, admiring his gorgeous features as he spoke to the receptionist at the front desk, got them a room, the girl's bored expression not even noticing their frenzied states. her hand toyed with his fingers, giggling as she whispered into his ear.

the receptionist was probably used to it: roma certainly wasn't.

hand in hand, again, fingers entwined, as baekhyun took the key, and they took the numerous flights of stairs up to the top floor. roma lost count.

the corridor was empty, a few circular lights accompanying their journey, the rugged carpet beneath their feet. roma was sure she looked a mess; all dark hair and wide, sunken eyes, her clothes sticking in awkward places to her body, her forehead glistening from sweat.

breaths tumbled from in between her lips, like a waterfall, waiting patiently as baekhyun fumbled with the lock. his breaths were noticeably heavy, too.

the door clicked open.

and, then: a sudden echo of resounding stillness.

vision was met with darkness, a few shaded silhouettes of a double bed and a dresser. limited furniture. the large window was wide open, letting in a gentle and welcomed breeze; fluttering the pale curtains. a muffled rumble of vehicles and nightlife chatter resounded within the constraints of the hotel room.

baekhyun's grip on her hand tightened.

roma could feel her heart beat in her chest, everywhere, pulsing, sending off signals. she pushed her hair back from her face, her throat dry from drinking and laughing, her lips trembling.

their rushed movements had ceased, the silence they were met with only emphasising roma's thudding pulse rate and baekhyun's touch, like electricity sparking, bright white. a slight and shallow path of light shadowed across the bed, splitting the darkness from the sliver of the moonlight. the tidy sheets made her look twice, the expanse of the mattress inviting.

she felt that lump rise up in her throat, the nerves and the trepidation, as she slowly stepped towards the end of the bed. baekhyun's presence followed after her, his warmth resonating.

silence, for what felt like a very long time, in contrast to only a few minutes ago.

"hey," he whispered from behind her, so quiet, lips ghosting past her ear, arms reaching to wrap around her waist. 

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