Chapter 3

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We went down an elevator and walked out. I was behind my dad as Maria was behind Agent Ward.

"Director Fury faked your motivate the avengers." Ward said.

"Well the death of an common ally is practically an effective team builder." Maria said.

"Still pissed that you didn't tell me." I said.

We all got scanned before walking into the next room.

"Plus it wasn't that much of a stress. Stopped breathing for 40 seconds." Dad said.

We all put on our passes before moving on to the next room.

"8, it gets longer every time you tell it." Maria said.

"Yeah well you get shanked by the Asgardian muslin and you can tell it your way. I was looking at the big white light and it felt a lot more than 8 seconds."Dad said.

"Do they know?The avengers...that Fury played them?" Ward asked.

"Their not level 7." Maria said.

"I got out of the ICU. Fury stuck me in a grass shack in Tahiti. Ruff gig. Mai Iais,Travis McGee novels,and a physical therapist with common English was...relevant."

I open the glass door and we walk in into a room with computers and big screens. I went to go mess with one of the computers.

"Back Away." Dad said.

I pulled my hand back and started to walk around.

"Well something put you back in the game."Ward said.

I looked up and saw the video someone took of that guy who jumped out of the window and saved the lady.

"Who's that?"

"That's a superhero Agent Ward."

"The hooded hero..or whatever the hell people are calling him." I said

"An unregistered gifted...identity unknown." Maria said.

More videos start to pop up on the screen along with a voice which I didn't recognize.

"Another little present from the rising tide." Dad said.

"How are they getting this stuff before us?" Ward asked.

"The same way they cracked our RDA implementation. Their good."

My dad looked at me then at Ward.

"So I need better." Dad said.

"Agent Coulson has recessioned a globe command unit to which you are both are." Maria said.

"Really?Sweet!Can Silas come?" I asked.

"Sorry sweetie,not this time." Dad said.

"Oh pretty please dad!I can't leave the little guy alone! He's family!" I said. I walked over to him and gave him the puppy dog eyes and a pout.


"Rosy no."

My eyes flashed purple and I saw Wards eyes go wide.

"Pretty please! Mum would let me bring him."

It's been pretty hard for me and my dad to get over the fact that mom was stuck in out space and couldn't come home. She hasn't came to see me in months and I was getting worried something happened to her. My dad sighed.

"Fine." he said with a little smile.


My eyes go back to brown as I walked over to Ward who was looking at me, well my eyes.

"What's the matter Ward?" I asked.

He shook his head.


"The rising tide is trying to draw us out. I think it's time they succeeded." Dad said. He had a file in his hand.

Ward looked at Maria, me,then my dad.

"You want me too cross them off?" he asked.

"Wow." I said.

"No." Dad said looking at me as I shook
My head at Ward.

"I wanna use them to get to him. This mans world is about to get weird. Guys gonna need some help." Dad said.

"I'm sorry. I was trained from day one as a specialist. I go in alone, I get it done. Defusing a nuclear bomb, I'm your guy. The welcoming committee, not my speed. " Ward said.

"I know that's not what you want. Agent hill did a very detailed assessment of your last 3 missions. grades." Dad said as he started to read out of the file. I lean over to get a closer look.

"Espionage...I haven't seen higher scores since Natasha." I said.

"Under 'Peoples skills.' She drew a...I think it's a little poop." Dad said pointing at it. Ward comes over to see.

"With knives sticking out of it."

"What?" Maria asked.

"That's bad right? And given your families history I'm surprised it's not worse." Dad said.

"But." My Dad closes the file and holds it against his chest. "I think your the guy for this. If I'm wrong you go start back to your bombs."

"Teams approved.Physicals are all fine.Fitz-Simmons is not clear for combat, I'm told that wont be an issue." A man wearing an lab jacket said coming up to us.

"Agent Ward here...he's almost to fit."

"That's an issue.That should be an issue maybe I shouldn't join the team-"

"Agent Ward you are dismissed." Maria cut him off. Ward leaves and gives me a side glance before turning the other way.

"It was a was not a poop." Maria said.

My dad opens the file and we both look at it again.

"No I'm pretty sure that's a poop." Dad said.

"Looks like a poop." I said. My dad closes the file.

"And it's not just Ward. You're whole roster is stithy."

"Well,their cleared." Dad said.

"I would have been very happy if you weren't clear Phil. I would love for you to rest some more." The guy said.

"I've had plenty of that,thanks."Dad said.

"You sure?" Maria asked.

"Yeah,you sure?You sure you sure?You sure sure-"

"Stop." Dad said. I stuck out my tongue playfully.

"You should go sometime." My dad said to Maria.

"Where?"She asked.

"Tahiti...its a magical place."

"Yeah, we get it. It's magically delicious." I said.

Everyone gave me a look.

"What?" I asked.

"Three days and I'll be begging for an assignment." Maria said.

"Exactly." Dad said. He turns around and starts to walk away and I follow him.


I watch as Rosalie and Phil walk out together.

"Tahiti..he really doesn't know?" The doctor asked me.

"He can never know. They both can't."i said sadly before turning around and walking away.

Rosalie Coulson: Agent Of S.H.I.E.L.D.Where stories live. Discover now