Chapter 27

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I teleported into my room. I set my bag on the bed before leaning against the wall.

"Home sweet home." I said.

I felt this strange feeling in my chest. My thought went to Aiden. Could I-do I miss him? I shook my head. No way. I couldn't, not this fast already. I slid open my door and walked out of my room. I saw Skye and Ward by the windows, at a table playing battleship. I moved next to Ward.

"I'M HOME!!!" I yelled.

Ward jumped, cursing. I laughed as Skye got up from her seat to give me a hug.

"Your back." she said.

She pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"Now you can help me continue to beat Ward at battleship."

"Um, you can't do that." Ward said.

"Says who?" I asked.

Before he could answer there was a loud ding. And continued and we all looked around. I smiled.

"Aw, snap. What time is it?" I said them.

Skye looked confused, and Ward looked at me with a straight face but from the look in his eyes I can tell he knew the answer.

"Ward." I said.

He sighed.

"Mission time." he said.

I pumped my fist in the air.

"Heck yeah! To the meeting room!" I yelled.


Everyone gathered around in the meeting room. My dad was at the head of the table. I was standing to the right of Skye and Ward on the other side. The Jemma, Fitz, and May. Dad typed on the table and an image of a man popped up.

"Chan Ho Yin--just a struggling street performer until a few years ago, when Mr. Chan began to exhibit moderate pyrokinetic abilities." Dad said.

"So what gave him powers?" Fitz asked.

"It's still under investigation, but Chan did live near the decommissioned Wan Ti nuclear plant when it caught fire. To our knowledge, no other nearby residents have exhibited similar traits." dad said.

"So how did we find out about him?" Jemma asked.

"Informant saw him lighting torches in a street show...with his pinkie." May said.

"Brought it to SHIELD's attention. We told him to keep his abilities under wraps, he's been on The index ever since." Dad said.

"The index?" Skye asked.

"A list SHIELD keeps of people and objects with powers." I said.

"Wait. What? How many are there? Are you saying there are more people?"

"Not many." May said.

"Well enough to keep a list." Skye said.

"A short list, meant to protect them." dad said.

"Though in rare chases, SHIELD has had to take action." Ward says.

"Action against objects or people?" Skye asked.

She looked at all of us, me last and I glanced at the ceiling.

"Well, that's drastic with a side of creepy." Skye said.

"How are they monitored--tapped phones, satellite surveillance, body probes in dark, unpleasant places?" Skye asked.

"Body probes? Now. That's ridiculous. SHIELD doesn't do that. We don't do that. Do we?" Fitz said.

I just shrugged.

"The methods vary." dad said.

"Mr. Chan was low-risk. He was assigned a case agent who checked in with him every few days. That's how we discovered him missing."

We turn our heads to the big screen where an agent and a few others were looking around. One looked back at us. May started speaking Cantonese to him, he says something back.

"Everyone this is agent Kwan, Chan Ho Yin's case agent." May said.

We waved at him.

"What can you tell us?"

"No much, I'm afraid. Chan is a magician, so at first I thought he'd made himself disappear." Kwan said.

"The files sat you caught him violating his index before." Dad says.

"On two separate occasions--claimed we were "Hampering his artistic expression." but late last night, he was taken by professionals. The only thing they left behind was this scrap of aluminized material." Kwan said.

Kwan held out the bad with the tear of the material.

"Fire proof clothing." Jemma said.

"So whoever took him knew about his power. Ward said.

"Yes, and we think we know why. Over the last few days, the tech division discovered a crack into our data stream. It's the same cyber punks who hacked us before. It's The Rising Tide." Kwan said.

All heads were turned towards Skye. And there wasn't any smiles on our faces. May looked pissed, and everyone else's was emotionless. I was frowning.

"Hello?" Kwan asked.


"It got really quiet. You guys still there?"

Rosalie Coulson: Agent Of S.H.I.E.L.D.Where stories live. Discover now