Chapter 18

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YAY UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!! It is now my official plan to update more now that i have the whole season of agents of shield on my phone!!!!


My dad called us all upstairs into the meeting room. We were trying to figure how we were going to save Dr. Franklin Hall. Silas was sleeping on my shoulder.

"That man's a prisoner, and it's up to us to get him out." Dad said.

"We've checked the specs. Theres no way into Quinns compound without a large SHIELD strike force or man iniside.He's got neodymium laser fencing surrounding the property." Ward said.

"They'll never allow a strike force into Malta." Dad said.

"Plus this weekend, Quinn World Wide's got its annual share holders gathering. We'd risk global outrage, but-"

"If we go in alone-" May started.

"SHIELD can disavow us, claim ignorance." dad said.

"Guys, without someone inside its impossible." I said.

"Unless your immune to pulse laser emissions." May said.

"If we had a monkey, we could get in." Fitz said.

"Ugh, Fitz!" Jemma said and I laughed.

"If we had a small monkey he could just slip through the sensors and disable the fences power source with his adorable little hands." Fitz said.

"I can definitely see that happening." I said.

"I could go in." Skye said.

We all looked at her.

"Drop me in the hills outside of Valletta. I'll spend a few weeks establishing a cover, gathering intel-" Ward started.

"Hall doesn't have a few weeks." dad said.

"And to restate any agent of SHIELD caught on Maltese soil can be shot to death with bullets-legally." Jemma said.

"Not me. I could go in." Skye said.

"Skye, this is serious." Ward said.

"Wait. What are you saying?" Dad asked.

"Well I'm not an agent of SHIELD, so I can go in without breaking all the stupid laws." Skye said texting away on her phone.

"International laws." Jemma corrected.

"This isn't something the Rising Tide can hack, Skye." Ward said.

"Did you hear the deadly laser part?" Fitz asked rubbing his temples.

"Without Fitz cute, little, brave monkey-" I said.

"You sad you could go in with a man inside." Skye said.

"And you want to be that man?" May asked.

"Fitz-Simmons loved the guy, and he needs help. They could be torturing him, or worse, making him do strength -training." Skye said.

"But you don't have the background-" Ward said.

"Or clearance." I said.

"Or experience with any of this." Ward said.

"I know. But I got an invitation." Skye said showing her Phone.

Damn that girl works fast.

"Well technically it's an E-vite."


Rosalie Coulson: Agent Of S.H.I.E.L.D.Where stories live. Discover now