Cecil's Ambition

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A foot stomped on a tiny hologram. The land around him was very barren and empty, but still some decent power levels around. He gazed at a group of silhouettes running away from him. A Namekian signaled a group of Saiyan to move into another direction. They all hid in the ruins of a palace. " He's unstoppable " A Namekian said.
" His strategies are flawless " A female Saiyan added.
" The situation is dire, but do not loose hope so easily comrades " The Namekian that signaled them here.
" Focus, we are warriors "
The female Saiyan smiled, but it was quickly interrupted by Cecil. " Come out warriors, once I absorb your life energy, I will be able to travel through the sacred door and gain all knowledge " Cecil said with a grin.
The Saiyans and Namekians got into positions, and waited. " I will grant you an honorable death then " Cecil said.
He hair yellow, demonic eyes, and wore a grey top hat, his smile could pierce through someone's soul. " I can't see him " A Saiyan whispered.
" We don't stand a chance! We need to leave " Another Saiyan yelled.
" No! We must try " The Namekian said.
" He's close, but where? " The Saiyan said
" His power, it's all around  " The female Saiyan stated.
" Focus " The Namekian said.
" Steady " he continued, sweating heavily.
One of the Saiyans broke down and charged towards the battleground. Cecil landed on him, crushing his back, then he grabbed the Saiyan, and shot a full power energy wave through his chest. They all ran after their deceased comrade, and they looked at Cecil. He jumped into the air and they all retreated to the Palace ruins. A crashed down from the ceiling and grabbed a piece of fire wood, half of it was on fire. The Saiyan charged at him, but he blocked their punches with his wood. " This is ridiculous! " A Namekian yelled.
He began blocking all of their attacks with just his wood. A Saiyan shot an energy ball at Cecil, but he jumped away from it and landed on a wall, he then propelled himself towards them like a missile. He impaled a Namekian with his fire wood, and elbowed his head. He quickly pulled the log out, putting splinters in his corpse. The female Saiyan gasped, and fired a barage of ki blasts at him, he knocked them all back like baseballs. A Saiyan ran towards Cecil while we was destracted, Cecil grabbed him and used him like a meat shield against the other Saiyan's attack. Another Namekian ran towards him but he twisted the man's arm and threw him into the ceiling. His main target was the Namekian that rallied the group together, and the female Saiyan. He kicked the Namekian into a row of pillars, and the Female Saiyan froze up as the rubble covered his body. He dropped the wood and started performing hand-to-hand combat with the woman. He kicked her into a wall, and a portal opened up, and sharp, tentacle-like appendages stabbed the Saiyan repeatedly. The Namekian rose from the rubble only to find his new friend dead. Cecil propelled himself toward him, and performed more combat with his hands instead of having to rely on his Magic or Ki. A group of Frieza's men rushed to the scene to investigate. All of them started firing rapidly at Cecil with their blasters. No matter how hard they tried they couldn't land a single hit on him, he was just to fast. " You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man " Cecil said in a psychotic tone.
He jumped from a wall and began to kill off the Frieza soldiers with ease. One of the Frieza soldiers fired barrages of Ki blasts at Cecil, but he just kept running and dodging. They began to fire full power energy waves at Cecil and the Palace in general. A giant portal opened above the planet, and a giant light went down on the land, it was pure ki. It desolated the area, Cecil absorbed the energy from the corpses, and he held a ring full of keys, one golden key, began to form, until it stopped forming, leaving it unfinished..for now. After years of slaughter, Cecil never found the knowledge that he sought , and eventually settled down and raised a family.

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