Chapter 1

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↬↬ The past ↬↬

"Jeanette?" I ask entering our apartment. I heard no reply, I slip my shoes off my feet and head down the hall. "Jeanette?" Still no answer. I head upstairs as I go I see blood on the walls. What the hell? I rush to our room and when I do, my heart drops and I wanted to die.

Jeanette laid helpless on the bed, blood everywhere. Her neck was cut open, I walk over to her, tears storming down my face. "Jeanette babe." I whisper. "I'm so sorry." I cry. "You can't leave me." I couldn't control the tears rolling down my face. "You said you wouldn't leave me."

"I'll find out who did this to you." I continued, my voice breaking. "I promise you." I cried. "I love you so much Jeanette."

↬↬ Present ↬↬

I bolt up from my bed, sweat covering my face and chest. "Fuck." I whisper, running my hands through my hair.

It's been a week since I lost Jeanette, my beautiful fiancé since I was eighteen. Being with someone since you were sixteen doesn't usually happen, but it happened to me and I just lost her recently.

She was murdered and I'm still looking for who done it. It could've been anyone since I'm a gang leader, I have many enemies. Me and my boys will not stop until we find out who. Jeanette was a wonderful women who everyone loved.

After I found her that day, I immediately called the police and they showed up with ambulances an took her from me, I won't stop until her killer is found, I moved in with the boys again, They lived in a warehouse which we turned into a home, downstairs is our meeting room where we have meetings and where our weapons are.

My boys names are, Harry, Cody and Blake. I'm the leader, we've been a gang since I was 16,
I'm now 21. So about 5 years.

Everyone besides Cody are 21, Cody is only 18.

Snapping from my thoughts, I uncovered myself and slipped my sweatpants over my boxers, I headed downstairs and into the kitchen, I grab a glass and fill it with water.


I look over to see Blake. "Hey, I couldn't sleep, just came to get a glass of water."

"I heard you up, you ok?"

I shrug and ship my water again. "I had a dream about Jeanette again."

He sighs walking over to me. "She loved you Jason, she's still in your heart man."

"I know." I nod. "I-I'm gonna head back to sleep." I take one last sip before pouring the rest out and heading back upstairs.

Blake was right, she's in my heart. That's one place she'll always be, but I will get justice.


I reached over turning my alarm clock off. It's Monday and that means another horrible week of school. Yay me I thought as I stood up from my bed and walked over to my closet, I picked out a pair of ripped jeans with a white v cut tank top, I placed my boots along the side with a pair of socks to then headed to the bathroom.

 Yay me I thought as I stood up from my bed and walked over to my closet, I picked out a pair of ripped jeans with a white v cut tank top, I placed my boots along the side with a pair of socks to then headed to the bathroom

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Once my hair and makeup was done, I cleaned my bathroom and bedroom so my father wouldn't raise hell at me when I come home from school because he's done that before. I grabbed my phone and purse before heading downstairs, greeting my father who was in the kitchen making coffee. "Morning."
I say grabbing a cup from the cabinet. "I have to work late, so you can order something if you want." He says and I nod.

"I'll just order pizza, maybe Chinese." I reply, thinking of my options. Shrugging, I poured coffee into my cup and placed the lid on afterwards. I grab my keys from the rack and then to face him. "I gotta go, I'll see you tonight."

He nods, "have a good day."

He's acting weird...

Snapping from my thoughts I leave the kitchen and head outside, over to my beautiful baby blue car.

35 minutes later, I reach school and park my car. I get out, locking the doors behind me. I walk inside the entrance and go to my locker. After getting my math books I was greeted by Alex, my best friend. "Hey." I say once she reaches me. "Your late."

"I know." She groans. "My alarm didn't go off."

"It's okay." I smile. "I have to go to the library after school, but can you come maybe come over tonight
and have dinner with me?"

"Your d-"

"He's working overtime tonight." I Inform. "So will you? Please."

"Only if you go to the club with me this weekend."

I cross my arms. "How did I not see that coming."

"Please Elenor." She begs. "I promise it won't be as bad as last time, I promise."

"Will you spend the night too?" I ask, compromising.

"You know I don't like your dad." She states. "He freaks me out, there's just something off about him that I can't get through my head."

I close my locker. "If you want me to go to the club that bad then you'll spend the night with me."

"Okay fine." She replies. "But one night, that's it."

"Goes both ways." I agree. "So, deal?"

She playfully rolls her eyes. "Yeah, deal."

I smile, she returns it then we head to math class.

Hours later school was over and me and Alex headed back to my house.

"Pizza or Chinese?" I ask scrolling through my phone. "Is that even a question?" Alex laughs. "Pizza it is." I say and dial pizza huts number.

After ordering, we put a movie on as we waited for the pizza guy.

─── ◇◆◇ ───

• Make sure to follow me on Instagram for when I'm updating and when I'm publishing future stories! @kaylatheauthor •

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