Chapter 33

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Elenor's point of view

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Elenor's point of view

"Your dismissed."

Thank god, I gathered my books and stood up from my seat, I exit the classroom to find Alex waiting for me. "Hey, ready for lunch?"

"Yes, I'm starving." She groans, pushing herself off the wall and walking along side with me. "How was science?"

"Horrible." I sigh. "As always."

"So, I was thinking we should go shopping after school for your date on Saturday."

"It's not even that serious Alex." I say. "I just met him besides he has kid, she's adorable but I'm only 18."

"It's not like your her mother." She rolls her eyes. "Maybe it could work out with you and Calvin."

"Are you forgetting that I still have unresolved feelings for Jason?" I ask, hugging my books to my chest.

"I did not forget for your information." She lets out a small laugh. "But, if your not gonna tell h-"

"Tell? I've told him before Alex." I reply. "Before Jeanette came back, he was all over me at the waterfall a-"

She sighs. "That was before he knew she wasn't dead Ele."

"I was getting to that." I say. "I'm not mad that he chose her over me Alex, I understood, he had so much history with her. I'm upset that right after she left he wanted me again and that gave me mixed emotions and In result, I slept with Colt. I just don't know what to do anymore."

"You ever heard the saying you don't know what you lost until it's gone?" She asked, I nod. "Well
maybe that's how Jason feels right now, he had feelings for two girls at the same time. He went looking for answers about his dead fiancé and in the process he started having feelings for someone else, but then turns out she wasn't dead, in result that brought back his feelings for her when he thought they were gone forever, That can never be easy, maybe now that Jeanette really has left because she didn't wanna be apart of this Jason decided that he needs to let her go, and that solution is you."

"I don't know.." I say, us entering the cafeteria. "I just need to think about everything.."

After school, Alex drove me back to my apartment so I can shower and change for when we go shopping,

She's gonna pick me up in an hour. I really need to get a car, but first I need to find a job.

I exit my bathroom and went over to my dresser before there was a knock at the door.

I looked down at me with a towel, I quickly take it off and grab my robe putting it around my body, after tying it I went over and opened it.

"Colt. H..Hey, I didn't know you were coming over."

"I know..I should've texted, I just really need to talk to you." He replies walking in, I close the door behind me and turn around, giving him my attention. "About?"

"About me..being in love with you."

Those words made my heart stop. "Okay.."

"First off, let me just say that I do love you..Ele, I have for a long time." He says, softly. "But I also love you enough to not ruin our friendship, like you said. We had a great night at the party, I'm happy I was your first and not some random dude." He explains. "You were my best friend then, and your my best friend matter what your feelings are, that won't ever change."

Now it was beating again, it felt nice to hear that. "Really? You mean that?"

"I do." He nods. "I'm not gonna let this get in the way of our friendship Elenor, you don't feel the same and I understand. I just want you in my life, it doesn't matter how."

"I appreciate that Colt, I really do." I smile, walking closer to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. He immediately hugs me back. "I love you Ele."

"I love you too." I say softly pulling pulling away. "Thank you...for coming and clearing things up. It means alot."

"Your welcome." He nods. "But I have to go now, I have practice. I'll see you later?"

"Course." I say, he gives me a kiss on cheek before he exits.

"What about this?"

"Hmm." I examined the dress. "No. To long."

"Your a hard person to shop with." Alex groans.

"She needs something sexy, but not to flashy.." Amanda spoke looking through the dresses, once a smile appears on her lips she pulls one out and shows it to me. "I like it." I smile, standing up. "I'll go try it on."

After trying the dress on, that's when I decided it was the right one.

I paid for it and we left the mall, I stopped in my tracks when my phone started ringing. I grab it from my back pocket and I feel the life being sucked out of me. "What's wrong Ele?"

"It's Jason.." I say, softly before answering. "Hello?"

"Hey..I know we haven't talked..but it's important, can you come over?" His voice says. God..I missed his voice.

"I-I'm just now leaving the mall, but yeah. I can have Alex drop me off."

"This is something all of you need to hear, so just have them come in also."

"Alright..I'll see you in a bit." I reply, before hanging up.

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